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Planning 2013-05-23 Minutes - Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plan: Southcenter / Tukwila Urban Center and Transportation Element
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Planning 2013-05-23 Minutes - Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plan: Southcenter / Tukwila Urban Center and Transportation Element
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9/25/2013 11:05:00 AM
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PC Hearing Minutes <br />certain transportation - related policies. More global changes are being made to the <br />Transportation element. <br />Transportation Element (L12 -047) bnsf burlington northern railway railroad <br />Staff summarized changes in the Transportation element including: 1) updated LOS; 2) <br />new maps; 3) new policies added for closer alignment with the Walk and Roll Plan and the <br />complete streets concept. Policies have been consolidated and reworked for greater clarity. <br />Sections on the Level of Service (LOS) are expanded to include travel modes beyond the <br />automobile. Policies relating to transportation demand management (TDM) stress that <br />using different modes of travel offer choice and extend roadway capacity. Policies for non- <br />motorized travel emphasize the importance of a connected community, and the priority for <br />facilities that support walking and bicycling. <br />Commissioner Hansen asked whether the TDM section should include car share and bike <br />share policies. <br />Commissioner McLeod asked about charging stations. <br />Nora replied that required development regulations supporting installation of charging <br />stations had previously been adopted. <br />Cyndy indicated that the charging station topic was not specifically covered under TDM. <br />Nora explained that sustainability issues were scattered throughout the Comprehensive <br />Plan document, and were intended to be "baked in" throughout. Supporting charging <br />stations, car share and bike share might be the most appropriate in the overall goal section <br />as a new policy. <br />Commissioner McLeod spoke about the concern that Commissioner Mann brought up at <br />the April meeting, and the need to give priority to sidewalks near schools, such as along <br />150th,, and emphasized that this was also a priority to him. <br />Cyndy explained that as part of the work in developing the multi -modal levels of service <br />(MMLOS) and through the Walk and Roll Plan, that policies had been added for sidewalks. <br />Staff has discussed developing an overlay around schools, libraries, light rail and <br />commuter rail. <br />Staff cited policies 13.6.2 and 13.6.10 which respectively address continuing to allocate <br />funds to the Residential Street Fund to build sidewalks, and continuing to work with <br />school officials to promote Safe Routes to School Projects, and requiring improvements. <br />Rf Z: \DCD \PC minutes - -5.21 & 5.23 \PC Hearing Minutes-- 5.23.13.doc 6/20/2013 <br />2 <br />
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