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BAR Public Hearing Minutes <br />November 14, 2013 <br />• Did the police and fire department have a chance to review and approve the project? <br />o Staff indicated that they have reviewed and approved the project. They reviewed 144th street <br />as well. <br />• Is the width of the lanes adequate for ladder use? <br />o Staff - The fire department looked at turning movements for the fire trucks. The police and <br />fire departments wanted a mountable hard surface to use for turn- around on 144`h <br />• Is there anything in the design to prevent teenagers from utilizing the plaza surfaces as a skate park? <br />o Staff referred the question to the landscape architect. <br />• Was there other siding that was considered for the design and how was it determined to use the metal <br />siding on Building C? <br />o Staff referred the question to the applicant. <br />• Did the Somali community get a chance to give input on the multi - cultural facility? <br />o Staff - Before the application was submitted, the Mayor's office organized a meeting at <br />Cascade View Elementary School. There was a huge turnout and a major discussion on the <br />community open space, particularly the indoor /outdoor space. The design team for the <br />applicant attended the meeting. <br />Bryan Park, Tukwila Development Associates, L.LC, for the applicant, gave an overview of Phase I of the <br />project and the overall site plan. He stated the project will be developed in three phases, which will consist of <br />mixed use mixed income, mixed development, and be non -age restricted. Building C and frontage <br />improvements on South 144th Street and TIB will be part of the Phase I development. Mr. Park stated that he <br />and City Administration agreed to use the design criteria statement and purposes, which met or exceeded the <br />project requirements. He also gave some of the highlights on Phase and III of the project. He mentioned <br />there will be a Police Resource Center which will provide added security. In addition, there will also be <br />security cameras. Mr. Park said, "We are overall supportive of the conditions with a couple of exceptions." He <br />said he would like to later address some conflicts that are identifiable and can be resolved with guidance from <br />the Commission. <br />The applicant addressed the folio ing questions raised by the Commissioners: <br />Commissioner Mann <br />• What is the capacity for Building C? <br />o Mr. Park -The capacity is dictated by the development agreement. Administration has <br />authority to approve the capacity, which has already been approved as a part of the submittal. <br />The applicant has agreed to the Statement and Design Purpose, which drives the capacity and <br />dictates the size of the space. <br />• Will thcre be covenants for the project'? <br />Mr. Park - The covenants will be reciprocal easements agreed to by The City, Tukwila Village, <br />and the Library. It will be recorded against the property prior to the disposition of the property by <br />the City to Tukwila Village and the Library. There will be an additional agreement between the <br />Library and Tukwila Village on the specific details of implementation. <br />• What type of heat will be used in the units? <br />o Mr. Park - There will be electric light and heat with the exception of the hot water that will be <br />provided by central gas fired broilers, which will provide more efficient use of hot water. <br />Commissioner Hansen <br />• Is the location and size of the fireplace appropriate? <br />o Mr. Park - Fireplaces will only be in common areas. There was concern expressed regarding <br />fireplaces being located in individual units. In respect to Commissioner Hansen's comment on <br />whether the commons fireplace was appropriately located and sized, Mr. Park stated it was <br />designed initially as a feature for indoor tenant. The applicant decided to open an outdoor feature. <br />To relocate would be difficult and would almost change the character of the entire development. <br />If the fireplace is not liked at that location it could be eliminated on the outside. The fireplace was <br />proposed by the commercial tenant, the cafe coffee shop as an indoor /outdoor feature for the cafe <br />customers. <br />Commissioner Strander <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />