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PC Work Session Minutes <br />Planning Commission Hearing - Shoreline Comprehensive Plan Element <br />Chair McLeod opened the public hearing for case L13 -027 and Carol Lumb explained <br />that only the narrative text of the Element was being amended during this process. The <br />goals and policies were updated during the 2011 Shoreline Master Program update. <br />Any changes to those areas would require review by the Department of Ecology. <br />She next gave an overview of the materials and update process for the Shoreline <br />Element update. She described how conditions and regulations have changed creating <br />the need to update the narrative language. <br />No public testimony was given so Commissioner McLeod closed the public hearing. <br />Planning Commission Deliberations - Natural Environment Element <br />The Planning Commission asked clarifying questions about the following: how tree <br />values would be determined; how fines would be enforced; requiring financial <br />guarantees for landscaping mitigation; how the regional housing targets mesh with the <br />desire for tree retention; Seattle City Light's comments; pruning of trees for utilities; the <br />condition of air quality in Tukwila, particularly in the Duwarnish corridor; tree canopy <br />goal for the urban center and Tukwila South area; programs to clear ivy from public <br />areas such as parks; the amount of impervious surface in the City; planting standards <br />for trees; hiring an arborist - how this would work and how it would be funded. <br />The Commission considered and approved the following motions: <br />Moved by Commissioner Mann, seconded by Commissioner Maestas, to amend policy <br />4.13.9, found on page 30 of the strikeout /underline version of the Chapter, to add <br />"schools" t© policy 4.13.9. Policy would read <br />"Collaborate with other government, non - profit organization, schools and private <br />sector entities to promote urban forest management and restoration. (new <br />language shown in italics) <br />Motion carried 6 -0. <br />Moved by Commissioner Mann, seconded by Commissioner Hansen, to amend the <br />second bullet of the Implementation Strategies for Wetlands /Watercourses /Fish and <br />Wildlife Habitat, to add parks staff to the recommendation. The Implementation <br />Strategy would read: <br />• "Develop guidelines and provide training to surface water, awl street maintenance <br />and parks staff in best management practices for work in sensitive areas." (new <br />language shown in italics) <br />NG <br />H: \ Temp \ 6- 27- 13PC_Hearing_Minutes.docx <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />06/27/2013 <br />