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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />The Natural Environment <br />Climate change could cause risina sea levels which would affect the <br />tidally-influenced,portions of the Green/Duwamish River raising vvater <br />levels in the river and causinvidal waters to reach further up river and <br />into streams. This, in turn, could impactflood control measures and fish <br />and wildlife habitat, with particular detriment to salmon. Otbersossible <br />effects of climate change could include new and increased insect <br />infestations in the City's urban forestshanges in wildlife behavior and <br />diversity: and, reduced availabilit of water su • • lies for drinking water _ <br />irrigation of aardens, landscaped.areas, street trees, and parks. <br />Tukwila's Urban Forest <br />The "Cit <br />of Tukwila Urban Tree Cano— Assessment," completed in <br />2012„oantifies existing urban tree canopy as well as impervious surfaces, <br />surfacewateLgrasslands and_hare soi„ls„The assessment forms basis_ <br />for several new coals and...policies related to the urban forest. Seethe <br />assessment report appended to this chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />The results of the study show that Tukwilahas a current overallsity:wide_ <br />averagoree canopycover of 25% and im_pervioussurface of 51%, The, <br />residential zones range from 33% to 51670 canopy across 1,869 acrehile <br />the industrial and commercial zones have tree cano ranain from 9% to <br />49% across 2 780 acres. <br />The City is for ate to have remnant stands of second or third: <br />growth native forests and hij h cano coverage in its single family <br />resideiltiptareas, on undeveloped steep slopes, and_in„spme of its <br />parks (for example, Cr_ystal Springs Park and Tukwila Park) tiowever,trees and understory vegetation in marty_of our parks <br />sand natural areas are plagued with infestations of invasive pl t <br />like blackberty_and ivy. Trees in undeveloped argas are threatened <br />12y tuture development. A in tr es in alread develo ed <br />residential and commercial areas becorne hazardous and„rmaire <br />removal are not always replaced with new trees. <br />The City has street trees of varyint sieci s sizes, health and <br />maturity pl. ted on City rights-of-way throughout Tukwila. They <br />rangy from large canopy trees to small canopy or young trees that <br />do notprovide many benefits. Street trees often do not get <br />replaced the <br />igielpf care otthe conditigus they need to thrive, <br />Shade tes are.generally_lacking in most of the City's comrnercial <br />parking lots and other landscaped areas. Trees in these areas are <br />often improperly pruned or removed and not replaced. Trees <br />December 201 <br />ff: <br />