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14 <br />2. BUILDING DESIGN. <br />The five foot spacing between the south side of the garage <br />building and the L- shaped building creates some challenges. <br />The apartment units on the third floor will overlook the garage <br />building. In response to the building department's concern <br />that smoke from a fire in the garage could get into an open <br />window at the apartment, the applicant has proposed filling in <br />portions of the garage wall directly adjacent to the apartment <br />units (see sketch) such that it would keep smoke away from <br />the apartment wall. This issue will be addressed as part of the <br />building permit. <br />a. Architectural style is not restricted, evaluation of a project shall be based on the <br />quality of its design and its ability to harmonize building texture, shape, lines and <br />mass with the surrounding neighborhood. <br />The proposed design is a modern high rise building. The quality of the facade facing <br />Andover Park East shows a high level of design with modulation and articulation. <br />However the building should be considered as a 3- dimensional composition with equal <br />importance of the tower element from all four sides as due to its height it will be visible <br />from many vantage points. There is an opportunity to improve the quality of the "back" <br />sides of the building to match the quality along the street side by including details such as <br />different window sizes, material/color variation, modulation and articulation to <br />differentiate the hotel and the residential tower. <br />Page 10 of 19 <br />