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12 <br />2014 Comprehensive Plan Update <br />Staff Report: L13-0054,1_13-0061 <br />BACKGROUND <br />The City of Tukwila's Comprehensive Plan, first adopted in 1995, establishes goals and policies that guide <br />the community as it grows and changes over time. Its policies and land use map lay out the community's <br />long range vision. The state Growth Management Act (GMA) requires counties and cities periodically to <br />conduct a thorough review of their plan and development regulations to bring them up to date with any <br />relevant changes in the GMA and to respond to changes in land use and population growth. The last <br />required systematic review and update was completed in 2004. By June 30, 2015, the City of Tukwila is <br />required to complete a periodic review and update of its Comprehensive Plan. <br />Tukwila is undertaking the required update over several years, and is reviewing the Comprehensive Plan <br />elements in phases. The update is proceeding according to a general schedule, work plan and public <br />participation program adopted by the Council in March, 2013. <br />OUTREACH <br />For a full discussion of the outreach for the overall Comprehensive Plan update see the Staff Report for <br />the June 26th Planning Commission public hearing. Additional outreach specific to the Tukwila South <br />Element included an invitation to the area's major property owners to provide comments on the draft <br />comprehensive plan element. Segale Properties met with the City about the revised element and <br />provided comments and suggestions. Most of those comments and suggestions have been incorporated <br />into the document. <br />Additional outreach specific to the Economic Development Element included the City's first ever <br />"Business Vitality Forum" on February 12, 2014, co- hosted by the City's Economic Development Group <br />and the Department of Community Development. The forum was a moderated a discussion about issues <br />facing the City's business community. A product of the forum was a SWOT analysis that is discussed in <br />greater detail in the background memo. <br />REVIEW PROCESS <br />A work session with the Planning Commission is scheduled for July 22nd. Staff from the City's Economic <br />Development Group will provide a presentation to the Planning Commission on major economic <br />development trends for the region and City and the proposed revisions to the Elements. <br />There will be a public hearing on July 24, 2014 to receive comments from the community. The <br />Commissioners will have an opportunity to consider public input carefully and propose further changes, <br />if desired. After the hearing, the Planning Commission will be asked to make a recommendation that will <br />be forwarded to the City Council for consideration, a public hearing and adoption. <br />The Comprehensive Plan document will be formatted and links to pertinent documents added after the <br />City Council takes final action to adopt all the updated elements. <br />SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES <br />Proposed Tukwila South Element <br />Page 2 of 4 07/16/2014 <br />