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4 <br />PC Public Hearing Minutes <br />July 24, 2014 <br />for the Comprehensive Plan Update. Outdated language has been removed, and the background section <br />has been updated to reflect work that has been completed. <br />Mr. Miles also gave an overview on the Economic Development element. He said that the economic data <br />has been updated, the 2010 census has been incorporated, references to Code Enforcement have been <br />removed, and there is a lot of emphasis on employability. Language was also added from the Strategic <br />Plan and outdated policies have been removed. Mr. Miles also addressed a question raised at the July <br />22nd worksession regarding how large the annexation area is, which he said is approximately 52 acres. <br />Public Testimony: <br />Becca Meredith works at Forterra, a regional non - profit organization, said supporting economic <br />development is a key component to their mission. Ms. Meredith read some of the recommendations from <br />the comment letter submitted by Forterra. She said she was pleased to see that some of the updates <br />reflected the community conversations and the engagement process they went through with the City. She <br />said based off of what was heard from the community and community connector's engagement program <br />she said she wanted to offer some recommendations. Such as, <br />1) Acknowledge the rich diversity in Tukwila residence and businesses and support for under- <br />represented communities; <br />2) Include community engagement as an important aspect for policy and program development <br />where appropriate; <br />3) Highlight the need for healthy food or health oriented practices as an important economic <br />development component. <br />She said she believes these recommendations support the City's goals of creating a diverse and regionally <br />competitive economy. A copy of Forterra's letter, which has additional comments, is included in the <br />7/28/14 PC packet. <br />Njambi Gishuru, Global to Local, Community Engagement Consultant, spoke in support of Ms. <br />Meredith's recommendations. Ms. Gishuru a Tukwila business owner , said she is limited to the <br />appropriate resources and there needs to be more opportunities for minority owned businesses. She said <br />there is a great need for resources to accommodate and create a more inclusive community for all <br />residents. She mentioned International Boulevard in particular. <br />Marcela Albornoz, interpreter, for Ancarnaco Romero, said he feels grateful for the City of Tukwila and <br />the aid and help he has received. He said he was thankful that the City closed the hotels on highway 99 <br />and ended the problems. He said highway 99 and 144"' street corridor is a good place to have businesses <br />and it will create new businesses. <br />Jami Balint, Segale Properties, said Segale is completely in support of the proposed Tukwila South <br />element. She said they see this as a cleanup item. She said the City and Segale entered into a <br />Development Agreement in 2009 and the Comprehensive Plan elements have not been updated to reflect <br />the Development Agreement. She said it is important to update the Comprehensive Plan. For example, <br />Segale is currently commenting on a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) from Sound Transit. <br />One of Segale's concerns with Sound Transit's long range plan for the EIS is that they failed to include <br />Tukwila South in their planning; and in their analysis of the City of Tukwila's landuse element. She said <br />when Sound Transit do their planning they rely on and look at the City's Comprehensive Plan and <br />landuse plan, and incorporate those elements in their planning processes. The reason Segale sees the <br />update process as a clean -up item is because Tukwila South is vested until 2024, which means all of the <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />