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City Of Tukwila <br />Police Department <br />An Accredited Agency <br />COPCAB Minutes <br />August 14, 2014 <br />6:30pm- 8:OOpm <br />Jim Haggerton, Mayor <br />Michael Villa, Chief of Police <br />Present: Commander Mitchell, Chris Partman, Kim Karns, Jun Castillo, Art Rosengren, Jerry Thornton, Lynn <br />Churchill, Laurie Clark <br />• Minutes from 6/12/14 and 7/10/14 meetings approved. <br />• Chiefs Update from Commander Mitchell <br />• Staffing — <br />o Currently up to 74 officers hired with the hiring of Bryan Kane, starting on Sept. 15. In <br />addition there are 5 officers in the background process. There are also 2 officers off work, due <br />to an injury and maternity leave. <br />o Currently 4 lateral officers are in FTO training /equivalency academy. David Pollett (GA), <br />Joshua Hinson (FL) Charles Saguil (AZ) and Aaron Madriaga (HI). <br />o One officer in the Academy, Christopher Backus, graduates from the Academy on August 29. <br />o There are 66 Officers on full duty <br />o 18 non - commissioned personnel, up to full staff. <br />• A second K9 team is out in the field, Officer Boehmer and Doc. They have been presented to the City <br />Council. <br />• Touch a Truck was on July 26" a very popular event with a lot of people. There was even a <br />helicopter this year. <br />• July 28th there was a big protest at the Museum of Flight protesting against Boeing and blocked E <br />Marginal Way. The CDU was called out, when they started arriving folks got up and left, partly due to <br />the fact that they were lying on hot pavement for hours. <br />• In July there was Cultural Diversity Training, all department employees attended. <br />• August training is firearms. <br />• Tukwila PD has been doing emphasis at the Light Rail Station in partnership with Sound Transit and <br />Metro PDs. <br />• Video about the Strategic Plan from City Council presentation <br />o Jerry noted that in the goals about facilities, he was on the committee and that PD and Courts <br />were the highest priority. <br />• Comment from Art, lives near TIB and 150th, he has noticed just recently that some people have started <br />using TIB as a speedway, even though most drivers are going the speed limit or less. Also there is an <br />issue of U -turns both at intersections and mid - block. Commander Mitchell will pass this information <br />on to the Traffic Unit and Patrol. <br />• A note was made of the removal of the Stop sign at Hwy 518 and Klickitat with great happiness. <br />6200 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwila, WA 98188 • Phone (206) 433 -1808 • Records Fax (206) 244 -6181 Invest. Fax (206) 431 -36818 <br />