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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Transportation Corridors <br />Goal 8.2 Tukwila International Boulevard Corridor Goal <br />A Tukwila International Boulevard corridor that is an attractive, safe, and <br />profitable place to live, do business, shop, and work, and is a positive <br />reflection of the City as a whole and of the surrounding residential and <br />business community. <br />8.2.1 Mitigate transportation impacts associated with regional travel <br />by the use of extensive amenities, transit service, and <br />appropriate siting and design of new uses, including the <br />highway itself. <br />8.2.2 Give priority to pedestrian safety over vehicle safety in street <br />design. <br />8.2.3 Improve the street to encourage pedestrian and transit travel, <br />and actively discourage additional lanes in order to protect and <br />enhance the local commercial, residential and pedestrian <br />character. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />• Wider sidewalk standards <br />• Curb -lined streets <br />• Planted medians with designated left -turn pockets at <br />intersections <br />8.2.4 Locate transit facilities, potentially including a rail station, <br />within the SR 518 /Pacific Highway vicinity in order to develop <br />a multimodal transfer area for buses, automobiles, pedestrians, <br />and rail. <br />8.2.5 Include on- street parking stalls for local customer use as a <br />design option for street improvements to enhance <br />redevelopment options. <br />8.2.6 Underground existing and future overhead distribution lines, <br />including transit operation utilities, in accordance with rates <br />and tariffs applicable to the serving utility. <br />8.2.7 Design the Tukwila International Boulevard street <br />improvements for the section north of S. 137th Street (if <br />extended) with minimal use of amenities and improvements, <br />reflecting this section's different topography. <br />8 December 2008 <br />