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Planning 2014-06-24 Minutes - Work Session - 2015 Comprehensive Plan: Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element / Roles and Responsibilities / Community Image and Identity Elements
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Planning 2014-06-24 Minutes - Work Session - 2015 Comprehensive Plan: Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element / Roles and Responsibilities / Community Image and Identity Elements
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1/27/2015 10:02:11 AM
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1/27/2015 10:02:08 AM
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PC Minutes <br />June 24, 2014 <br />identify needs during the PROS plan's development. The following objectives were addressed; habitat <br />projects, creating environments and opportunities to showcase diversity, inclusive environments, mobile <br />programming, creating affordable access to services, healthy people and places, and maintaining parks, <br />and long term sustainability. <br />Commissioner Alford Requested to - Add language RE: Urban Agriculture and the City's support of it in <br />other elements. She also raised the issue of planted corridors to attract and assist bees. <br />Commissioner Nguyen asked about a Dog Park recommendation. <br />Commissioner Mann requested that on page 4, the last paragraph before the sentence, "A large site <br />acquisition could " have more emphasis on "better arrangement, management and improvement of <br />existing parks ". She explained that maintaining existing parks should be a higher priority than acquiring <br />new properties. <br />She also Requested - Adding "Education and Community Involvement" to the Implementation section to <br />encourage a culture of stewardship. <br />Commissioner Alford requested that "small-town residential style architectures" be deleted from <br />Page 12, 6.3.2, <br />Recess - at 7:45 PM <br />Re- convened at 7:50 <br />Community Image and Identity <br />Carol Lumb gave an overview on Community Image and Identity, which focuses on sense of place and <br />community identity topics. Staff is proposing to change the original title in the chapter from "Community <br />Images" to "Community Image and Identity ". Re- arrangements have been made, and portions of the <br />chapter were moved to the Natural Environmental, Shoreline, and Transportation Corridors sections. <br />New topics have been added and new headings with some sub - sections under issues. Also the policies and <br />goals from the Strategic Plan are reflected in the chapter. Staff is asking the Commission to consider <br />whether the policy that mentions "Small- town" policy number 1.1.1 should be deleted. <br />Commissioner Mann Commented on policy 1.1.3, which separately identifies specific neighborhoods <br />within the City. She said it is a great idea for some neighborhoods but a bad idea for other neighborhoods. <br />Roles and Responsibilities <br />Rebecca Fox gave an overview on Roles and Responsibilities, which deals with the social environment, <br />and the role that the City takes toward the community. It addresses meeting basic needs. <br />Rebecca explained that the policy for safety and security was expanded to include emergency <br />management and the policies about flood management were moved from the Utilities section. She said <br />that the Roles and Responsibilities element includes policies that stress communicating with clarity to the <br />entire community, and reaching out to diverse communities in order to increase engagement in City <br />affairs. In addition, the element emphasizes clear government processes, the importance of the City's <br />regional partnerships, and the benefits of increased regional collaboration. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />
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