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PC Worksession Minutes <br />July 22, 2014 <br />Staff walked through the proposed updates and engaged in discussion and answered questions for the <br />Planning Commission. In response to a question that was raised staff said that the Development <br />Agreement and the Master Plan will govern Tukwila South. <br />Economic Development <br />Mr. Miles also gave the overview on the Economic Development element. Mr. Miles said this is an <br />optional element to include in the plan but is not required by the Growth Management Act. One of the <br />goals of the existing Economic Development is to identify a single point of contact for the business <br />community regarding business retention, business outreach, and economic development activities. <br />There are a lot of things that happen that are indirectly related to economic development, such as transit, <br />utilities, and public safety. <br />Mr. Miles talked about Tukwila's past, present, and future. He also gave some statistics on population, <br />age, ethnicity and diversity, medium household income, poverty, unemployment, education, housing, <br />jobs. He talked about where people that work in Tukwila live and where people that live in Tukwila work. <br />He also gave some statistics on retail, taxes and revenue. <br />Some of the current economic development activities were noted. Mr. Miles said that a strong business <br />sector helps the community. The Economic Development element has new policies focusing on <br />improving Tukwila residence employability. The City also wants to look at ways to diversify the City's <br />revenue. In 2015/2016 the City anticipates having an Economic Development Plan. <br />The Planning Commission and staff discussed and suggested revisions to the proposed update language <br />for the Tukwila South and Economic Development elements. The updated language is available in the <br />7/24/14 Planning Commission public hearing packet. <br />The first five elements reviewed will go to City Council for their review in August. The Planning <br />Commission will review the final three elements in September. Staff proposed providing the Planning <br />Commission with a document of issues, in order to discuss and receive feedback from the Planning <br />Commission before preparing the proposed strikethrough underline versions. <br />Director's Report: <br />• The Commission was reminded that they will meet only on 8/28/14 in August. <br />Adjourned: 8:40 PM <br />Submitted by: Wynetta Bivens <br />Planning Commission Secretary <br />Adopted: 8/28/14 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />