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City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />Planning Commission Public Hearing Minutes <br />Date: July 24, 2014 <br />Time: 6:30 PM <br />Location: City Hall Council Chambers <br />Present: Chair, Louise Strander; Vice Chair, Mike Hansen; Commissioners, Thomas McLeod, <br />Miguel Maestas, and Nhan Nguyen <br />Absent: Commissioners, Brooke Alford and Sharon Mann <br />6/24/14 Commissioner Strander said she would like to amend the June 24, 2014 <br />Question: worksession minutes. She wants the minutes to reflect the question she asked regarding <br />the status of the inventory that the City's preparing of the privately and undeveloped land <br />referenced on page five dash twelve of the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space element. <br />She asked when and where the information would be available. <br />Motions: Commissioner Hansen made a motion to adopt the June 24, 2014 worksession minutes as <br />amended. Commissioner Nguyen seconded the motion and all were in favor. <br />Staff: <br />Commissioner McLeod made a motion to adopt the June 26, 2014 public hearing <br />minutes. Commissioner Hansen seconded the motion and all were in favor. <br />Nora Gierloff, Department of Community Development, Deputy Director; Brandon <br />Miles, Economic Development, Planner; and Wynetta Bivens, Planning Commission <br />Secretary <br />Commissioner Strander opened the public hearing and swore in those wishing to provide public <br />testimony. She opened Case Number L13 -0061 for Tukwila South and Case Number L13 -0054 for <br />Economic Development. <br />Nora Gierloff, Department of Community Development, Deputy Director, explained the purpose of the <br />Comprehensive Plan Update and the different elements, as well as the review process. She said this <br />version of the plan was adopted in 1995 and was last reviewed in 2004. She said that written testimony <br />was received and handed out to the Planning Commission Members. Then she introduced Brandon <br />Miles. <br />Brandon Miles, Economic Development, Planner, gave the overview on the Tukwila South element. He <br />explained that the goal of the Tukwila South element is to make the Comprehensive Plan consistent with <br />the policy's entitlements that have been approved by the City Council over the last 10 years, He said that <br />the existing element is out dated because some of the goals and policies have been completed. The <br />Development Agreement has been completed as well as the Sensitive Areas Master Plan, the EIS, <br />permitting, and a preliminary sub - division. The current element references and incorporates the plans and <br />sensitive areas map into the Comprehensive Plan; but it doesn't change anything the City Council has <br />already approved. The plan does not change the zoning of any of the properties owned in Tukwila South <br />nor any of the permitted uses. The format is different, which is consistent with what the City's been using <br />