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2015 Comprehensive Plan Amendments <br />Staff Report: L13 -0060 <br />These materials are intended to encourage discussion and provide background. The Comprehensive <br />Plan document will be formatted and links to pertinent documents added after the City Council takes <br />final action to adopt all the updated elements. <br />REQUESTED ACTION <br />The Planning Commission is asked to hold a hearing on the proposed changes to the Transportation <br />Corridors /Tukwila International Boulevard District Element, develop Planning Commission <br />recommended versions of the elements, and forward them to the City Council for final action. <br />\\DEPTSTORE\DCD Common$ \Long Range Projects\2014 CompPlanUpdate \Transportation Corridors\Public <br />Review \06 -21 -15 PC worksession \Staff report to PC 05_28_15.docx 05/07/2015 <br />