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Page 2 <br />Public Hearing Minutes <br />May 28, 2015 <br />Reina Blandon, citizen, expressed support for the element. She read the comment letter that she <br />submitted, which was handed out to the Planning Commission. She said she has been a volunteer in the <br />Latino community for three years and they are growing, developing and getting more knowledge about <br />the city. She said it was a result of the City's efforts to communicate more with diverse communities in <br />Tukwila. She asked for continued support of their community with local business and affordable housing. <br />Ms. Blandon said it is important to include affordable housing in the plan so their families can continue to <br />live in Tukwila. She thanked the City for the investment in the sidewalk at Cascade View School, and <br />said she would like to see more investment like that in the TIB area to benefit the community. She <br />concluded by saying, "I am at your service ". <br />Osman Egal, a citizen who has lived in Tukwila for 15 years, expressed support for the element. Mr. <br />Egal has had the opportunity to volunteer with various organizations. He said the City has been <br />supportive and he encourages continued investment in sidewalks and crosswalks, and in different family <br />opportunities. <br />Commissioner Nguyen requested that Mr. Egal and Ms. Blandon submit their comments in writing. He <br />said it is important to understand everything that was said. <br />Kayla Schott Bresler, representative for the Housing Development Consortium. Ms. Bresler said her <br />organization is a non -profit affordable housing association working to ensure that everyone in King <br />County has a safe, healthy, and affordable place to live. Ms. Bresler was also the representative for a <br />joint comment letter submitted by The Housing Development Consortium, Forterra, Futurewise and <br />Global to Local. Ms. Bresler thanked staff for their hard work. She said the City has a tremendous <br />opportunity to provide the community with benefits that residents need as the TIB corridor is <br />redeveloped. She mentioned using incentive programs. She said the City can achieve its goal by <br />attracting market rate development while providing affordable housing. She encouraged the PC to <br />consider their comments related to equity, housing, and transit oriented communities. She said they are <br />suggesting changes to the TIB element that balance the community's needs around retaining affordable <br />housing with economic development priorities. She also said there is a need for Tukwila to receive public <br />benefits when allocating public resources toward attracting market rate development. There was <br />encouragement to add more specific policies for equity, affordable housing, and the retention of the multi - <br />culture character of the TIB neighborhood. <br />There were no further comments. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />The Planning Commission deliberated. <br />Staff and the Planning Commission completed a walkthrough of the Issues Matrix. The Planning <br />Commission was in consensus to approve all previously incorporated recommendations as revised by <br />staff. During the walkthrough staff created additional language for several new recommendations made <br />by the Planning Commission. All recommendations as amended are in the Issues Matrix dated 5/28/15. <br />Motion: <br />Commissioner Mann made a motion to forward the element as amended to the City Council for their <br />consideration. Commissioner Alford seconded the motion. All were in favor. <br />Adjourned: 9:20 PM <br />Submitted by: Wynetta Bivens <br />Planning Commission Secretary Adopted 6/25/15 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />