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City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />PLANNING COMMISSION (PC) MINUTES <br />Date: June 25, 2015 <br />Time: 6:30 PM <br />Location: Council Chambers <br />Present: Chair, Mike Hansen; Vice Chair, Sharon Mann; Commissioners, Louise Strander, <br />Thomas McLeod, and Brooke Alford <br />Commissioner Miguel Maestas - Arrived at 6:45 pm <br />Absent; Commissioner, Nhan Nguyen <br />Staff: Nora Gierloff, Deputy Director; Laura Benjamin, Assistant Planner, Rebecca Fox, <br />Senior Planner, and Wynetta Bivens, Planning Commission Secretary <br />Chair Hansen called the public hearing to order at 6:40 pm. <br />Motion: Commissioner Alford made a motion to adopt the 05/21/15 and 05/28/15 minutes. <br />Commissioner McLeod seconded the motion and all were in favor. <br />Chair Hansen opened the public hearing and swore in those wishing to provide testimony. <br />CASE NUMBERS: PL13 -0051 —2015 Comprehensive Plan Update <br />L13 -0052 — Housing <br />L13 -0053 — Residential Neighborhoods <br />APPLICANT: City of Tukwila <br />REQUEST: Proposed amendments to the Housing Element and Residential <br />Neighborhoods Element of the Comprehensive Plan as part of the periodic <br />review and update of the Plan required by the Washington Growth <br />Management Act <br />LOCATION: Citywide <br />Nora Gierloff, Deputy Director, Department of Community Development, explained that staff created a <br />video to provide background on the Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) Update. The video was played <br />following Ms. Gierloff's comments. Following is a portion of the information that was incorporated in the <br />video. The Comp Plan is a State mandated 20 year vision, which includes State, Regional, King County, <br />and City of Tukwila policies. The purpose of the plan is to guide City decisions, which is made up of <br />various elements and topics. Every eight to twelve years the City assesses how well the plan is working <br />and makes changes. The current update begin in 2011 and will we be completed by the end of 2015. The <br />City has had many forms of public outreach to inform residences, guests and the business community <br />regarding the update process to give them the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed updates. <br />Additional information regarding the Comp Plan Update can be obtained on the City's website. <br />Laura Benjamin, Assistant Planner, Department of Community Development explained the review <br />process for the Housing and Residential Neighborhood Element. <br />