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Planning 2011-01-27 Minutes - Board of Architectural Review - Taco Time at 15037 Tukwila International Boulevard
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Planning 2011-01-27 Minutes - Board of Architectural Review - Taco Time at 15037 Tukwila International Boulevard
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5/2/2011 8:41:20 AM
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BAR PC Hearing Minutes <br /> January 27, 2011 <br /> Site Plan The applicant is proposing to construct the building as close to TIB as possible with no parking <br /> between TIB and the building. Access off the property can be off both TIB and Militaiy Road. The applicant is <br /> proposing a plaza area to the northeast side of the building directly along TIB, and a small outdoor dining area. <br /> The front of the building is facing north, which will provide a prominent visual focus when moving south onto the <br /> Blvd. TN 2 landscaping on the south side of the propel ty will provide a visual screen to help separate the drive <br /> thtu lane. <br /> Architectural Layout The applicant proposed building elevations. The building has three entrances, one on the <br /> north, west, and east side of the building. There will be tower elements to emulate the front door. There is <br /> currently no landscaping on the site and the applicant is proposing a site plan that complies with the City's <br /> landscaping requirements. For safety reasons the Police Department requested that some of the landscaping be <br /> scaled back so they could see without a visual barrier on TIB and the adjacent property. A black chain linked <br /> fence will nin along the north and south property line, which will be transparent. The fence vvas requested by the <br /> Police Department. The fence will be 6 feet lugh on the south side of the property but on the north side, it will <br /> drop down to 4 feet at the plaza area, and will denote ownership, wluch the Police Department considers veiN <br /> important. <br /> Parking Variance The applicant has requested to provide 28 parking stalls on the site. It is the applicant's <br /> expectation that sixth percent of the customers will be using the drive thru window. Ten stacking spaces for <br /> parking have been provided for customers using the drive thtu window. The average number of parking stalls on <br /> site at most of the applicant's existing restaurants is 18 stalls. City Staff contacted three other Cities to inquire on <br /> their parking ratio and any issues with parking at their site. It Avas determined that the City of Tukwila parking <br /> ratio is higher than the other three Cities, and there have been no problems at the other cities restaurants. <br /> Item Number 4 of Sea Tac's letter states objections to the Parking Variance, due to concerns related to Militaiv <br /> Road. Staff commented that if this project was built in the City of SeaTac it would actually exceed SeaTac's <br /> parking standards. <br /> Staff recommends approval of the Parking Variance with two conditions as listed in the 1/27/11 <br /> staff report. <br /> Signage, the applicant will be installing four wall signs. Also the applicant qualifies for one monument sign, <br /> wluch they are proposing to erect on TIB. <br /> Staff addressed questions and concerns from the Commission. Commissioner Strander asked for clarification on <br /> the Case Number. Staff clarified that the correct Case Number for the project is L 11- (_)(_)4. The Commission <br /> raised concerns on the building design. <br /> Howard Kimura, HG Kimura Architects PLLC, for the applicant, said that they are excited about the location <br /> for the project, and to be in the City of Tukwila. Mr. Kimura commended Mr. Miles on his presentation and <br /> stated that they agree vvith the conditions of the prOJect. In response to Commissioner Peterson's comments <br /> regarding the difference in the fence height, Mr. Kirmura said if staff is not opposed, he's in agreement for the <br /> fence to be 4 feet high on the north and south side of the property. The purpose of the fence is for security from <br /> the drive thru traffic. Regarding the Parking Variance, Mr. Kimura said that the parking ratio in Tuk vila is one of <br /> the highest he has seen in Washington and Oregon. He said with 28 stalls that they feel vet comfortable that the <br /> site is going to be successfid and will work, and it is their interest to make the site work. <br /> Chris Tonkin, family representative for Taco Time, complimented Mr. Miles on his presentation and said that he <br /> agreed with eveiN -thing he said. Mr. Tonkin also provided some lustoiy on Taco Time. <br /> Testimony: <br /> Sharon Mann, Representing herself and The Tuk vila International Blvd Action Committee, (TIBAC), said she <br /> would like to applaud Taco Time for investing in TIB. Ms. Mann expressed concern with the proposed <br /> presentation along TIB, for one window and canopy on the building. She said that she would like to see a more <br /> pleasing presence along the Blvd. She raised concerns regarding the p arking lot on the north side of the building, <br /> and said she is in favor of lowering the fence along the Blvd to 4 feet. Ms. Mann asked if the building would be <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />
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