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Date: <br />Time: <br />Location: <br />Present: <br />Absent; <br />Staff: <br />City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW (BAR) <br />AND <br />PLANNING COMMISSION (PC) <br />PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES <br />July 23, 2015 <br />6:30 PM <br />Council Chambers <br />Chair, Mike Hansen; Vice Chair, Sharon Mann; Commissioners, Louise Strander, Brooke <br />Alford, and Nhan Nguyen <br />Commissioners, Thomas McLeod and Miguel Maestas <br />Jack Pace, Director; Minnie Dhaliwal, Planning Supervisor; Laura Benjamin, Assistant <br />Planner, Valerie Lonneman, Assistant Planner, and Wynetta Bivens, Planning <br />Commission Secretary <br />Jack Pace, Director, Department of Community Development, on behalf of Mayor Haggerton presented <br />the Governor's Smart Communities Award to the Planning Commissioners that worked on the <br />Southcenter Plan. <br />Chair Hansen called the public hearing to order at 6:40 pm. <br />Motion: Commissioner Mann made a motion to adopt the 06/18/15 minutes. Commissioner <br />Strander seconded the motion and all were in favor. <br />Commissioner Alford made a motion to adopt the 06/25/15 minutes. Commissioner <br />Mann seconded the motion and all were in favor. <br />Chair Hansen opened the public hearing and swore in those wishing to provide testimony. <br />BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW (BAR) PUBLIC HEARING <br />CASE NUMBER: L15 -0021 Design Review <br />APPLICANT: Josh Peterson, Magellan Architects <br />REQUEST: Construct a new 12,386 sq. ft. addition for a bowling alley and 1,646 sq. ft. second <br />floor addition off the northeast corner of the existing 32,166 sq. ft. amusement <br />center. <br />LOCATION: 7300 Fun Center Way, Tukwila, WA 98188 <br />Valerie Lonneman, Assistant Planner, Department of Community Development, gave the presentation for <br />staff. She asked the Commissioners the appearance of fairness questions; there was no disclosure and no one <br />objected to any of the Commissioners hearing the case. Staff provided background on the project and gave an <br />overview of the review process. Design Review applies because the structure is over 10,000 sq. ft. The site is <br />within the Shoreline Jurisdiction Urban Conservancy Environment. Therefore, a Shoreline Substantial <br />Development review was conducted and the permit was approved. SEPA was also reviewed and a DNS was <br />issued. Staff recommended approval with no conditions. <br />Josh Peterson, Architect for the applicant, Magellan, noted that the landscaping on the north end of the site <br />was addressed. He explained that the alterations for the addition on the second floor of the existing building <br />