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City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />PLANNING COMMISSION (PC) MINUTES <br />Date: February 25, 2016 <br />Time: 6:30 PM <br />Location: Council Chambers <br />Present: Chair, Sharon Mann; Vice Chair, Miguel Maestas - arrived at 6:40; Commissioners, Mike <br />Hansen, Louise Strander, Brooke Alford and Nhan Nguyen <br />Staff: Nora Gierloff, Deputy Director; and Wynetta Bivens, Planning Commission Secretary <br />Mayor Ekberg presented a certificate to former Planning Commissioner McLeod, who has been appointed to the <br />Tukwila City Council. The Mayor said that it was a pleasure to have Mr. McLeod serve on the Planning <br />Commission and he thanked Mr. McLeod for his 6 years of service on the Board. The Mayor said that <br />Councilmember McLeod's help on the City Council is already being recognized. The Mayor also expressed his <br />appreciation to the other six Commissioners for their service on the Planning Commission Board. <br />Mr. McLeod said he appreciated his six years on the Commission. He said he enjoyed collaborating with the <br />Commissioners who are wonderful, talented, professional and intellectual people, and beyond that he appreciates <br />the friends he made. <br />Chair Mann said on behalf of the Commission they appreciated working with Mr. McLeod. Commissioner Mann <br />also said that Mr. McLeod had great insight on the cases that came before the Commission and she thanked him <br />for his time and efforts. <br />Chair Mann called the public hearing to order. <br />Motion: Commissioner Strander made a motion to adopt the 08/27/15 minutes. Commissioner Hansen <br />seconded the motion and all were in favor. <br />Chair Mann opened the public hearing and swore in those wishing to provide testimony. <br />CASE NUMBER: L15 -0014 <br />TITLE: Update to TMC 18.58 Wireless Facilities <br />TOPIC: Amendments to Tukwila's wireless communications facilities regulations to comply <br />with the Spectrum Act and streamline technology updates by wireless carriers. <br />LOCATION: Citywide <br />Nora Gierloff, Deputy Director, Department of Community Development gave the presentation. <br />She said the wireless regulations were originally adopted in 2006 and there have been considerable changes to <br />technology since that time. After the passage of the Spectrum Act the Federal Communications Commission <br />(FCC) created new rules for how the City can regulate telecommunication carriers and sets certain parameters <br />for existed permitted sites. Carriers are allowed to update their facilities if they meet the parameters, which the <br />City must approve within 60 days. The City currently has three types of permits in the code, and these eligible <br />facilities modifications fall under the least regulated Type I permit. The City wants to encourage carriers and <br />make it easier for them to make the best use of existing sites instead of moving on to new monopoles or new <br />sites. Therefore, the attempt to streamline the process for previously approved sites works well with the <br />existing code. The proposal does not change the general scheme, and the Spectrum Act does not change the <br />concept of how wireless facilities are regulated. Additionally, some housekeeping clarifications were proposed <br />to streamline the process, as well as changes to come into compliance with current case law. <br />