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Page 2 <br />Public Hearing Minutes <br />March 24, 2016 <br />• Clarification: business entrances that do not have a facade and meet certain criteria are allowed smaller <br />signs of up to 50% of the maximum allowance. There was no policy change, the criteria language was <br />moved to a different location. <br />• Flexibility for granting permit extensions beyond 30 days based on reasonable circumstances. <br />• Allowance of a non - content neutral center identification sign on each business owner's premise. <br />• Increase the size of the fuel canopy signs to a 10 sq. ft. maximum. <br />• Increase the number of signs allowed on residential property to two without a sign permit in lieu of <br />political sign provisions. <br />• Allow one additional sign (maximum of 50 sq. ft.) in addition to individual tenant signs for each <br />premises totaling 25,000 sq. ft. or more that does not qualify for the Master Sign Program and has gone <br />through design review. Delete real estate portable sign provisions as these are content based. <br />Staff s response to comment letters: <br />Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT): <br />WSDOT has their own sign regulations. WSDOT provided comments on the signs that can be seen from the <br />free -way and the limited access. Staff informed WSDOT that the City's code states the applicant is supposed to <br />obtain any permits needed from WSDOT. Also, the applicant is supposed to comply with WSDOT's <br />regulations. However, staff said because WSDOT's codes are also content related they need to review their own <br />regulations and revise their codes. <br />Southcenter Square Property Owner: <br />The property owner requested amendments to allow a property identification sign. Staff said their property <br />qualifies for the Master Sign Program. In 2011 a Master Sign Program was approved for the property. However, <br />Carter's already had one sign and even under the Master Sign Program a second sign on the same facade is not <br />allowed. Language is being proposed that could be added to the Master Sign criteria to allow the sign area for a <br />facade to be divided into two signs as long as they are at least 20 ft. apart. This provision would apply to only <br />one location on the premise. Staff said it would help with place making and is much nicer than some of the other <br />signs that are currently allowed, which were approved under the Master Sign Program. Staff is supportive of the <br />change. The proposed language was provided in Exhibit -3 <br />Testimony <br />Kevin McNulty, representative for the Parkway Village provided some history on the land, ownership and the <br />major facade improvements. Mr. McNulty said they renovated, went through design review, changed the name <br />to Parkway Village, and did some signage improvements and removed all of the non - conforming signs. He said <br />they went from an outdated look to a new village concept for retail look and they have already seen increased <br />activity for the vacant spaces. He said they worked to maximize their signage but that they are very limited to <br />showcase their new branding efforts. The proposed Sign Code revision would allow for placement of an <br />additional sign on the top of their building. It would prominently display the new center name and they believe <br />the branding Parkway Village at Southcenter enhances the overall shopper draw. It would significantly add <br />strength to the entire retail neighborhood. Mr. McNulty said sales have already increased by 15 — 25 percent. <br />The applicant would like to see the proposed sign code adopted so they can place a signage on their building. He <br />said that the McNulty family have lived and worked in the Tukwila area for a century and their renovations show <br />a renewed commitment to the area. <br />Staff responded to the inquiries from the Commissioners regarding the regulations for the type of sign, and also <br />who would review the project. <br />Leshya Wig, Wig Properties, Owners of Southcenter Square, said they built their property in 2007. At the time <br />they also constructed a 60 ft. tall tower and the intent was for the tower to contribute to the overall ambience of <br />