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2016 Draft Landscaping Code <br />a. Trees categorized as small stature on the tree list shall be spaced no greater than 20 <br />feet on center and not closer than 15 feet on center from other newly planted or <br />existing trees <br />b. Trees categorized as medium stature on the tree list shall be spaced no greater than <br />30 feet on center and not closer than 20 on center from other newly planted or any <br />existing trees. <br />c. Trees categorized as large stature on the tree list shall be spaced no greater than 40 <br />feet on center and not closer than 30 feet on center from other newly planted or <br />existing trees. <br />d. Any tree determined to have a mature spread of less than 20 feet (a columnar or <br />fastigiate variety) is discouraged except under specific conditions and shall be <br />considered a small stature tree and spaced accordingly. <br />3. Trees shall be placed according to the following standards: - commented [cL67]: Tigard - urban Forestry Manual pg. <br />a. Small stature trees shall be planted with the center of their trunks a minimum of two 7 -4 <br />feet from any hard surface paving. <br />b. Medium stature trees shall be planted with the center of their trunks a minimum of 2.5 <br />feet from any hard surface paving; <br />c. Large stature trees shall be planted with the center of their trunks a minimum of 3 feet <br />from any hard surface paving; <br />d. Trees shall generally be planted a minimum of: <br />i. Four feet on center from any fire hydrant, above - ground utility or utility pole; <br />ii. Two feet on center from any underground utility; <br />iii. Five feet on center from a street light standard; <br />iv. Twenty feet from a street intersection; however, a greater or lesser corner <br />setback may be required based on an analysis of traffic and pedestrian safety <br />impacts. <br />V. 5 — 10 feet from building foundations depending on species. <br />4. Where there are overhead utility lines, the tree species selected shall be of a type which, <br />at full maturity, will not interfere with the lines) or require pruning to maintain necessary <br />5. Root barriers may be installed according to the manufacture's specifications when a tree <br />is planted within 5 feet of any hard surface paving or utility feature and in areas where <br />structural soil is not required, subject to approval by the Department Director in <br />consultation with the City's )environmentalist. <br />6. Low water usage) species are encouraged in order to minimize future irrigation <br />requirements, except where site conditions within the required landscape areas ensure <br />adequate moisture for �growthl. <br />Commented [CL68]: Sentence up to this point from <br />Tigard Urban Forestry Manual pg. 2 -2, #8. 11 <br />Commented [AC69]: Highlighted wording and deletion of <br />"height" at suggestion of PSE <br />Commented [CL70]: #5 a blend of language from Tigard <br />Urban Forestry Manual pg. 2 -2, G. and staff language. J <br />Commented [CL71]: The Advisory Committee substituted <br />the phrase "low water usage" for the phrase "Drought <br />tolerant ". <br />............................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... <br />Commented [CL72]: Items #6 from 18.28.240 C.1. a. <br />7. Shade trees should be planted to shade buildings' east and west - facing windows to <br />provide a balance between summer cooling and winter heating through solar gain _ - f Commented [CL73]: From 18.28.240 C.2.a. <br />Page 12 of 19 <br />W:\ \Long Range Projects \2016 Landscaping Code Update \Draft TMC Chapter 18.52- Advisory Committee Revisions -2 <br />20 <br />11/2/2016 6:15 PM <br />