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Members of the Planning Commission <br />L16 -0012, Revisions to TMC 18.52, Landscaping Code Staff Report <br />November 2, 2016 <br />TMC 18.52.040. Screening and Visibility: Most of this subsection is from either existing landscaping <br />code or from TMC 18.28. The Visibility section is from the Crime Prevention Through Environmental <br />Design standards found in 18.28. <br />TMC 18.52.050. Si2nilicant Tree Retention: This subsection is a mix taken from current code found <br />in TMC 18.28 and language taken from the City of Tigard, Oregon landscaping code. The subsection <br />includes an incentive to retain significant trees on a development site by allowing retained significant <br />trees to be counted towards required landscaping trees. For each two percent of effective canopy cover <br />provided by retained trees that is incorporated into the required landscaping, the applicant would receive <br />a two percent reduction in the minimum landscape requirements. No more than 20% of the minimum <br />landscape requirement may be reduced using this provision. <br />TMC 18.52.060. Plant Material Requirements and Tree Standards: Most of this subsection is <br />drawn from TMC 18.28. The proposed code requires diversity of tree and shrub genus and species, with <br />the guidance drawn from the City of Portland's landscaping code. Item 49 in this subsection includes <br />language added by the Planning Commission at its October 27, 2016 meeting when it reviewed <br />amendments to the Zoning Code to address low impact development. <br />New to the proposed landscaping code is providing standards based on the stature of the tree being <br />planted. The code states a preference for large stature trees, but recognizes that not all sites can <br />accommodate or are appropriate for large stature trees, such as street trees in the right -of -way. <br />TMC 18.52.070. Soil Preparation, Planting, and Irritation: The current landscaping code does not <br />provide guidance on soil preparation, which is key for plant survival and the health of trees. Most of <br />this subsection is taken from TMC 18.28, which incorporated soil preparation standards for landscaping <br />in the Urban Center in 2014. <br />TMC 18.52.080. Maintenance and Pruning: The current landscape code does not address <br />maintenance of plant material. The language of this new subsection is taken primarily from TMC 18.28 <br />with some revisions by the Advisory Committee and PSE. <br />TMC 18.52.090. Landscape Plan Requirements: The language in this subsection is a mix of current <br />landscape code, TMC 18.52 and language from TMC 18.28. <br />TMC 18.52.100. Procedures: A new subsection has been added to the landscaping chapter that <br />identifies criteria for the consideration of landscape modifications and establishes penalties for <br />violations to the landscaping code. <br />REQUESTED ACTION <br />Hold the public hearing on the proposed changes, deliberate and make a recommendation to the City <br />Council. <br />CL Page 5 of 5 11/3/2016 10:00 AM <br />W: \\Long Range Projects\2016 Landscaping and Tree Code Update\Planning Commission \Staff Rpt. <br />11 <br />