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Daryl Tapio <br />P.O. Box 69736, Seattle WA 98168, <br />Email. dtolyn:picr& Phone (206)931 -3998 <br />Is the goal of this effort about trees or is it about control? This is a fundamental question that <br />needs to be adequately discussed and answered definitively. It also should be clearly specified in <br />the Comp Plan. If this effort is truly about trees and achieving a certain percentage of tree canopy <br />in each zone, then the goal can be met by the second approach described above with relative ease. <br />We are fortunate enough to live in a climate that is virtually ideal for growing trees. They grow <br />quickly and if properly selected and planted require very little maintenance or watering. I have <br />planted many trees in the area and some of the trees planted four years ago are now 8 to 10 feet in <br />height. On some of my property a grove of trees appeared without planting, both coniferous and <br />deciduous, and many grew to heights of 30 feet in 5 years. <br />The staff proposed Comp Plan- embraces the negative approach. I have attached a copy of the Staff <br />Comp Plan Proposal with all of the sections highlighted in yellow that could result in regulations, <br />fees, permits, and ultimately transferring the control of trees from property owners to the city. <br />In the meetings I have attended and listened to it is apparent that there is nobody on the committee <br />or in the room with first -hand experience in the areas of building homes or small -site development. <br />This is a critical piece of the puzzle that is missing. The discussion of the committee is a one -sided <br />discussion. Without input from property owners who want to improve their property and have <br />permitting and construction experience it is impossible to create a policy that would allow efficient <br />redevelopment in a city that desperately needs more redevelopment. <br />Some of the discussion at the last meeting was offensive, outrageous and truly despicable. A <br />committee member referred to creating an enforcement policy that embraced high fines and <br />financial penalties on property owners for cutting or pruning their own trees as follows: "HIT <br />THEM HARD! We may not catch every one, but those that we do, MAKE THEM PAY! MAKE <br />AN EXAMPLE!" The most telling part of this discussion was that nobody in the room countered <br />this statement or said that they disagreed. A policy created in this environment will not result in a <br />harmonious relationship between property owners and the city. <br />The committee and city staff are deliberately ignoring empirical data, presenting a one -sided <br />argument and proposing Comp Plan amendments that would lead to transferring the control over <br />trees from the property owners to the city. There is a better policy choice that would lead to better <br />relationships with property owners and builders and result in a better and greener city. The Mayor, <br />Council, and management needs to provide clear direction on this issue prior to more city resource <br />expenditures. <br />Sincerely, <br />Daryl Tapio <br />Attachments: Highlighted Comp Plan Proposal, Tree Canopy Report p. 17 <br />Tapio Letter, Page 2 of 2 <br />