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B. We would also request that the surrounding roadways be <br />swept and maintained during construction for the purpose of <br />adhering to Tukwila's established standards. <br />C. Thirdly, we would request that if the vacant lot on the NW <br />corner of 52nd Ave. S. and Southcenter Blvd. is expected to <br />be utilized as an extension of the construction site - staging, <br />parking, etc. appropriate mitigation be addressed proactively <br />to contain the negative impacts such as dust, dirt, etc. <br />The long term impact concern would be related to parking. <br />A. Currently the property has periodically utilized the vacant lot on <br />the NW corner of 52nd Ave. S. and Southcenter Blvd. for overflow <br />parking when their existing lot was insufficient. By expanding an <br />additional 14,395 ft2 of office space, what is the parking <br />mitigation proposal to accommodate the increased impact <br />associated with the expansion? <br />We look forward to seeing the development progress. <br />Sincerely, <br />Greg & Vanessa Zaputil <br />46 ATTACHMENT D <br />