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LTAC February 28, 2017 Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />SSRTA Update <br />Ashley Comar and Lisa Schwartz of the Seattle Southside Regional Tourism Authority provided an <br />update. They have completed their 2016 -2021 Strategic Plan. Their marketing theme is Seattle's <br />Backyard. They are currently redesigning their Vacation Planner /Dining Guide and it will be available in <br />hardcopy and digitally in March 2017. They are in the midst of a website redesign that will include <br />advertising scheduled to launch in May 2017. <br />Combatting "Dangerous Tukwila" <br />Business Relations Manager Brandon Miles requested feedback on whether the Committee would be <br />interested in designating Lodging Tax funds to broaden the City's media campaign to combat the <br />misinformation reported by Safewise each year that Tukwila is one of the "most dangerous cities" in <br />the United States. The City has currently allocated $10,000 to develop a media campaign to disprove <br />the Safewise report. There was support for the City bringing forward an application to allocate Lodging <br />Tax funds to broaden the scope of the media campaign. <br />of Tukwila Public Art Audit <br />Parks and Recreation Manager Dave Johnson the Arts Commission will be sending out a Request for <br />Proposal for the development of an Arts Plan and they are seeking community members to participate <br />in reviewing the proposals and would like a member from the Committee to participate. It would <br />require a 1— 2 day commitment. Anyone interested should let Brandon know. <br />Day Marketing Update <br />Business Relations Manager Brandon Miles provided an update on the Day Marketing campaign. <br />Surveys are in the process of being deployed. Bill Baker will be here in April. Target completion is <br />August /September 2017. <br />2017 Lodging Tax Advisory Work Plan <br />Business Relations Manager Brandon Miles reviewed the process for applying for the use of Lodging <br />Tax funds and review of the applications. The deadline to submit an application is by the 101h day of <br />month to be considered at the monthly committee meeting. Organizations that have expressed <br />interest in applying are the City of Tukwila, the Museum of Flight, Starfire Sports and Seattle Southside <br />Regional Tourism Authority. <br />Roundtable <br />Councilmember Hougardy mentioned SB5827 which would redefine tourists as traveling over 50 miles <br />AND include an overnight stay. The Committee discussed potential impacts if the bill passed and there <br />was a mixed response. <br />Becky Smith reported on Westfield Southcenter having top sales <br />Jim Davis mentioned Washington Place opening later this year. <br />Phone: 206 -433 -1800 • Email: Mayor • Website: <br />