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LTAC Meeting Minutes <br />October 21, 2016 <br />Page 2 <br />Day Marketing Update - Brandon Miles, Business Relations Manager provided an update on the <br />Southcenter Day Marketing Plan which included review of the Day Marketing goals, information about <br />Bill Baker of Total Destination Marketing and discussion of the next steps. <br />Lodging Tax Vacancies and Reappointments - Brandon Miles, Business Relations Manager announced <br />that there are currently two vacancies on the Committee. He also reminded committee members that <br />per RCW, Lodging Tax appointments are reviewed by City Council on an annual basis. He requested <br />that committee members let him know if they are interested in serving on the committee for another <br />yea r. <br />Roundtable — Daniel Lee mentioned how Odin is diversifying their products to compensate for the <br />saturation of the craft brewing market, Owen Leinbach mentioned a 33% increase in beds available. <br />Meeting adjourned at 11:18 a.m. <br />Phone: 206 -433 -1800 • Email: Mayor • Website: <br />