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Ms. Minnie Dhaliwal, Planning Supervisor <br />January 25, 2017 <br />2160566.30 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />currently 29 standard parking spaces on the site, which will be reduced to 25 standard <br />vehicle spaces with this proposal. TMC Figure 18 -7 provides that a minimum of 3.0 <br />parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of office space are required (8 spaces); <br />therefore, the proposal exceeds City requirements. <br />Perimeter landscape buffers provide buffering and screening of the use to surrounding <br />residences and the right -of -way. They meet the requirements of TMC Chapter 18.52 <br />by providing 10 feet of Type II landscaping. Along with the existing street trees on <br />Marginal Way and S. 128 h Street, infill plantings are provided, such as full groundcover <br />and evergreen shrubs. The proposal seeks relief from the parking lot landscaping <br />standards, primarily because it is an existing bus storage area, not a standard <br />vehicular parking lot. In its existing condition, it does not provide interior landscaping. <br />Additional design review criteria for the NCC district are prescribed in TMC 18.60.050 <br />(see the enclosed response to the Design Criteria). The new structure will meet <br />minimum setback requirements and maximum height requirements. There are no <br />requested deviations from development standards. <br />. The proposed development shall be compatible generally with the surrounding land uses. <br />The project site is in the NCC zone and is surrounded by single - family to the south, <br />east, and west. A trucking and leasing business exists to the north of the property. <br />The proposed office type use will not generate noise, odor, or light spill, or be of <br />nuisance to the neighboring properties. To improve compatibility with the surrounding <br />residential uses, perimeter landscaping will be provided to buffer and screen the <br />property. The proposed 2,515- square foot building will meet or exceed design review <br />criteria prescribed in TMC 18.60.050. The architectural design of the building is <br />intended to be similar to a residential building. There will be no changes to the school <br />bus transportation operations or schedule from what is currently in place. <br />. The proposed use shall be in keeping with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Land <br />Use Policy Plan. <br />The proposal is consistent with multiple aspects of the Comprehensive Plan, as listed <br />below: <br />GOAL 7.6 Neighborhood- Supportive Commercial Areas: Neighborhood - supportive <br />commercial areas, including Residential Commercial Centers, that bring small <br />commercial concentrations into and adjacent to existing residential neighborhoods to <br />improve existing residential areas while providing products and services to nearby <br />residents. <br />This project meets this goal through implementation Strategy 7.6, which is to <br />apply commercial design guidelines, with an emphasis on buffering residential <br />uses. Perimeter buffering will be provided on all sides of the property to <br />ensure that the commercial area does not encroach on the surrounding <br />residential character. The proposed use of the new facility is also small -scale <br />in nature, and is consistent with the City's desire to bring small commercial <br />concentrations adjacent to residential neighborhoods. <br />0 ©O <br />35 <br />