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Finance Committee Minutes ........................................................................................................ ............................... April 18, 2017 <br />20,000, the City will have to reassess all purchasing policies and practices as State law gives <br />cities more flexibility at that population level. UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. FORWARD TO APRIL <br />24, 2017 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. <br />C. February 2017 Department Budgets -to- Actuals Report <br />In response to Financial Policy GF -5 adopted along with the 2017 -2018 biennial budget, staff <br />provided a report on expenditures compared to allocated budget for each department for the <br />month of February 2017. INFORMATION ONLY. <br />D. Technology & Innovation Services Department Quarterly Report <br />The adopted 2017/2018 Biennial Budget requires the Technology and Innovation Services (TIS) <br />Department to provide a quarterly report to Council to describe implementation and benefits <br />of the increased technology investments. Staff reported on the status of the five key TIS <br />initiatives including budget, schedule, achievements and milestones. The Committee <br />requested that the full Council receive copies of the report. Councilmembers Hougardy and Seal <br />mentioned that wi -fi and network accessibility in City Hall continues to be challenging for <br />Councilmembers and would like help with solutions. DISCUSSION ONLY. <br />III. MISCELLANEOUS <br />Chair Seal requested that copies of the updated Finance Committee work plan be distributed to <br />attendees. Staff noted that the update includes a few items that were outcomes from the January <br />City Council retreat, such as the items on employee reviews and discrimination reporting. Chair Seal <br />asked about progress on researching a process for the 2019 -2020 Biennial Budget, which is due to <br />come before the Committee in the third quarter. Staff asked for clarification on how the Committee <br />would like to approach this topic. Committee members expressed interest in first receiving a high - <br />level briefing on different budget models, including priority based, incentive based, participatory, <br />and zero - based. The briefing should include a description of the current practice as well as a <br />summary and pros /cons for each of the models requested. DISCUSSION ONLY. <br />Adjourned at 6:19 p.m. <br />t Committee ChairApproval <br />Minutes by LH <br />