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VAIFORITATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />Staff responded 0D August 18.201O that the City could not pay almost twice the appraised value for the <br />land, but countered with a settlement of $100,000 (subject to City Council approval) in lieu of the <br />anticipated added costs for condemnation. Amalfi rejected thiSCODdidOD8|0K8[ <br />With King County's acquisition of the Chinook Wind site, acquisition of the riverfront property becomes <br />essential to link Duwamish Gardens and Chinook Wind and provide continuous park and habitat access <br />between the two sites. The City had included this property in the Duwamish Gardens construction <br />project based on the 2015 PSA, but was forced to remove it following the termination of the PSA. King <br />County is starting the design process for the Chinook Wind site this year and must know whether this <br />additional property will b8 included. Acquisition Of the additional property and construction 8t8later <br />date would not b8 feasible due tO access issue. <br />The acquisition and restoration of this property is consistent with the WRIA 9 goal of providing <br />RddidOO8| habitat within the DUvv8[niGh T[8DGiUOD Zone LOaid in 8G|DlOO [8COVe[y. It is also CODGiGL8rk <br />with Tukwila's Comprehensive Plan goals, which calls for restoring and enhancing natural <br />environmental resources and providing a network of green spaces that are connected to each other. <br />The acquisition details are shown in the following table with approximate property square footage: <br />Parcel No. ROW Required (SF) <br />1023049059 'Amalfi Investments LLC 13,125 sf <br />The attached draft Ordinance provides the authority k} acquire the needed hV8rfn3[t property. ASwith <br />previous projects Ul81h8Ve[OqUi[8d8dditiOD8|p[OpertV'Ul8Cib/h8SdUD88vRRthiDgVithiDitSpOvv8r <br />to work cooperatively with the property owners. However, since negotiations with Amalfi have been <br />unsuccessful, condemnation Ofthe property will b8 required if the City wants LO construct 8combined <br />habitat and park site. A letter to the property OVVD8[ has been mailed DObf»iDQ them of this potential <br />condemnation and Council's schedule for ordinance approval. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />A final purchase price has not been determined, but budget is available through the Chinook Wind <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Council is being asked to approve the Ordinance authorizing and providing for the possible <br />condemnation, appropriation, and payment Of just compensation for the [iverfn3[d land that will link <br />DuVv8DliGh Gardens and Chinook Winds and consider this item 81 the May 22.2U17 Committee Ofthe <br />Whole meeting and subsequent June 5.2O17 Regular Meeting. <br />Attachments: Page 1O1.am17C|P <br />Ordinance with Legal Descriptions and Map <br />WAPW Eng\PROJECT&A- DR Projects\Chinook*ind (91441202)\Info Memo Chinook Wind Acquisition Ordinance 05051rwsm.docx 40 <br />