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Date: <br />Time: <br />Location: <br />Present: <br />Absent: <br />Staff: <br />City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />BOARD OF ARCHITECTUAL REVIEW(BAR) <br />MINUTES <br />April 27, 2017 <br />6:30 PM <br />Council Chambers <br />Vice Chair, Nhan Nguyen; Commissioners, Mike Hansen, Louise Strander, Dennis <br />Martinez and Brooke Alford <br />Chair, Miguel Maestas; Commissioner Sharon Mann <br />Minnie Dhaliwal, Planning Supervisor; Max Baker, Assistant Planner and Wynetta Bivens, <br />Planning Commission Secretary <br />Commissioner Nguyen, Vice Chair, called the public hearing to order at 6:30 PM. <br />Adoption Commissioner Strander made a motion to adopt the March 2, 2017 <br />of minutes: minutes. Commissioner Alford seconded the motion. All were in favor. <br />Public Safety Plan Update: <br />Mia Navarro, Community Engagement Manger, provided an update on the Public Safety Plan. The plan will <br />include three new fire stations, a justice center, and a new consolidated shops facility, to modernize the <br />facilities. The funding will come primarily from the public safety bond, which was passed November 2016, as <br />well as fire impact fees, general funds, and utility funds. The estimated cost will be $112.4 million dollars. A <br />financial safety oversite plan committee comprised of five members will review the allocation of the bond <br />proceeds and provide updates to the council and the public. Also, there is a siting advisory committee, <br />comprised of four community members, two City Councihnembers, and the Public Works Director. This <br />committee will provide feedback and participate in public outreach strategies, and look at potential sites. A <br />rough timeline was provided for the public safety plan. As well as, architect information, outreach efforts, <br />participation to date, goals, and purposes for the facilities. There is a website for the public safety plan that is <br />frequently updated. <br />Public Hearing: <br />Commissioner Nguyen swore in those wishing to provide testimony and opened the public hearing. <br />CASE NUMBER: L17 -0006 <br />TITLE: Tukwila School District Transportation Building <br />REQUEST: Design Review and Conditional Use approval for development of a 2,515 <br />sq. ft. office building for administrative use by Tukwila School District bus <br />drivers. Site improvements will include landscaping and parking <br />reconfiguration. <br />LOCATION: 12801 E Marginal Way South, Parcel 2384200010 <br />Max Baker, Assistant Planner, Department of Community Development, introduced himself, <br />