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SCHOOL C71 s T R I c T 1 4040 S. "144th St. Tukwila, WA 98168 ( (206) 901 -8000 1 tukwi Ia. <br />SEPA MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE <br />Foster High School Modernization and Additions (FHS), Showalter Middle School Modernization <br />and Additions (SMS), New Birth -to- Kindergarten Center (132K) <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The project entails three primary projects: Foster High School <br />Modernization and Additions; Showalter Middle School Modernization and Additions; and construction of <br />the new Birth -to- Kindergarten Center. All projects will have separate and independent access and <br />circulation. <br />Foster High School Modernization and Additions - The District will renovate, modernize and expand <br />the existing school to accommodate smaller class sizes and a STEAM focus. The building will add up to <br />15 teaching stations /classrooms; expand and enclose the student commons; add an auxiliary gymnasium <br />and expand the weight room; reconfigure the ball fields to accommodate baseball, softball and tennis <br />courts; reconfigure and reduce parking; and make other modernization and safety improvements. The <br />project entails demolition of the existing District technology building located onsite and removal of four <br />double classroom portables. The total expansion area is 61,164 square feet for a new total building size <br />of 174,264 square feet. Capacity will increase from 878 to 1,100 students; however actual enrollment is <br />not anticipated to increase over the next 10 to 15 years. No changes are proposed to the existing access <br />from S. 144th Street. <br />Showalter Middle School Modernization and Additions -The District plans to modernize the facility to <br />include interior improvements, add additional classrooms in a second story addition to the main <br />classroom building, and expand the commons and gymnasium. The project entails the removal of two <br />1,800 square foot portables for a net building increase of 12,000 square feet and a total building size of <br />100,000 square feet. Improvements for emergency access include the addition of a gated emergency <br />access connection to the north via S 142nd Street. The existing access /driveways from S. 144th Street <br />and parking remain unchanged. The expansion is to accommodate classroom size reduction, however <br />capacity will not increase. <br />New Birth -to- Kindergarten Center - The District is adding a new 53,000 square foot, two -story Birth to <br />Kindergarten Center located to the northeast of the Foster High School Stadium on what is presently <br />District ballfields. The first phase of the project will be to house all kindergarten and pre - school from <br />around the district. Subsequent phases will add infant and toddler programs. The total facility capacity will <br />be 440 students and 28 classrooms, of which 290 students and 17 classrooms will be full day <br />kindergarten; 90 preschoolers plus infant and toddler programs of 30 -40 children (in split half -day and full - <br />day programs). Each age group will have separate areas within the building and outdoor play areas. <br />Access to the property will be via S. 142nd Street where two travel lanes and sidewalks will be provided. <br />Approximately 80 parking spaces will be added. An emergency vehicle and delivery vehicle access road <br />will be provided via a gated connection with Showalter Middle School. <br />LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Foster High School: 4242 South 144th Street, Tukwila, WA 98168, <br />Parcel No. 1523049108. <br />Showalter Middle School: 4628 South 144th Street, Tukwila, WA <br />98168. Parcel No. 1523049108. <br />Birth -to- Kindergarten Center: Vacant Property (undetermined situs), <br />South 144th Street. Parcel No. 1523049164. <br />All project sites are located in Section 15, Township 23, Range 4. <br />ATTACHMENT D <br />103 <br />