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ESJ 2017-08-03 Agenda Packet
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Boards and Commissions
Equity and Social Justice Commission (2017-Present)
Equity and Social Justice Commission Agendas (2017-Present)
ESJ 2017-08-03 Agenda Packet
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10/27/2017 1:03:01 PM
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7/27/2017 9:18:08 AM
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Equity and Social Justice Commission 2017-Present
Agenda or Minutes
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The students were inspired by the results of the election to find ways to make their <br />voices heard, promote inclusivity, show pride in diversity. The documentary would <br />include a history of Tukwila, incorporate the stories of immigrant and refugee families <br />and students, tell the story of what is happening for students at home, and discuss the <br />need for improving the community (crime, violence, inequities, prostitution, etc.). The <br />documentary would include many different languages so students can tell their stories <br />in the way that's most comfortable for them. <br />The Commission expressed support for the documentary, and stressed the importance <br />of telling all the stories of Tukwila, both old and new. <br />Once the students have their plan more fleshed out, they will be looking for help with <br />funding, professional filmmaking, advertising, and a way to share the documentary. <br />They are thinking of premiering the film et the Tukwila Village grand, opening. The goal <br />for completion of the film is Spring 2018. <br />The goal for the flag project is to hist <br />Boulevard on flag poles. They are thi <br />Foster families, and including a plgi <br />The motto of the project is, "Today v <br />make this an official group and leave <br />The Commission again exl <br />Tukwila Historical Society <br />idea is to have the differe <br />Kathv recommended nex <br />ME <br />ill all 230 country flags on Tukwila International <br />eking of starting with the 80+ flags represented by <br />e for each pole with the country name and motto. <br />e stand, tomorrow we unite." The group wants to <br />alegcy for the future. <br />port, encouraged the students to meet with the <br />Fe grant ideas'. Leary also mentioned that one funding <br />ral committees sponsor their flag's installation. <br />steps to the students: <br />• Submit a funding request to the Commission once all the details are in place. <br />• Present to Commission again when plan is in place, perhaps September. <br />• The Commission will help set up a presentation to the City Council. <br />• Mia will send the funding request form to the students. <br />VI. Unfinished Business <br />a. Bylaws Discussion. The group decided to postpone the bylaws discussion to a <br />future meeting. <br />b. Membership. We still need a student, 2 employees, 1 resident/business <br />representative, and 1 representative from the educational field. The question <br />remains of whether or not students should vote. The students present were split <br />about that. <br />P� <br />
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