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2017-07-25 Transportation and Infrastructure Minutes
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2017-07-25 Transportation and Infrastructure Minutes
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7/27/2017 9:40:12 AM
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Transportation and Infrastructure 2017-2020
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Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Minutes................................................................................................ July 25, 2017 <br />E. Memorandum of Agreement: 42nd Avenue South Phase III <br />Staff is seeking Council approval of a Memorandum of Agreement with Seattle City Light (SCL) <br />to share the cost of undergrounding the electrical distribution system as part of the 42nd Avenue <br />South Phase 111 project. The agreement proposes that SCL will pay 60%, or $1,285.312, and the <br />City of Tukwila will pay 40%, or $856,875, based on the construction bid results. The final costs <br />will be adjusted with the 60/40 cost share ratio. The MOA identifies specific costs that will be <br />split 60/40 and anything not covered in the agreement will be the City's expense, for example <br />trenching and backfill. The Committee requested the following additional information: <br />• Cost of trenching and backfill <br />• Cost of schedule delay due to the fish window <br />• Cost to Seattle City Light of pipes over the culvert <br />• Cost to the City of the culvert <br />UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. FORWARD TO AUGUST 7, 2017 REGULAR CONSENT AGENDA. <br />F. Grant Submittal Request: Transportation Improvement Board <br />Staff is seeking Committee approval to apply for a Washington State Transportation <br />Improvement Board grant to fund the West Valley (1-405 to Strander Boulevard) Project. <br />Tukwila applied for this grant for this project last year, and while it was not awarded it was the <br />highest scoring project not selected. The new application will incorporate suggestions from the <br />TIB staff. If awarded, matching funds will be available from federal grant funds, traffic impact <br />fees, and arterial street funds. UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. <br />III. MISCELLANEOUS <br />Staff response to recent public comment <br />The City Council recently heard public comment regarding the safety of the intersection at Tukwila <br />International Boulevard and South 144th St for pedestrians and those with disabilities. Staff <br />responded that a "yield to pedestrian" sign will be installed at eastbound South 1441h Street for those <br />turning right onto Tukwila International Boulevard. This information has been shared with the <br />person who commented. <br />In addition, a resident recently sent the Council a letter expressing concern about pedestrian street <br />crossing times in general. Councilmember Quinn also heard about this at his recent Council Chat at <br />Cascade View Park. Staff responded that pedestrian street crossing times are based upon Manual <br />on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards that assume an average walking speed. <br />Certain pedestrian crossing times can be adjusted if there is a demonstrated need at that location. <br />Tukwila has a minimum of 7 seconds at every signal in town. Some people may interpret the flashing <br />signal to be the end of the crossingtime. Extended pedestrian crossing times will also impact vehicle <br />traffic flow, so everything has to be balanced. The City is going to be considering a road diet for <br />Tukwila International Boulevard, and this will create new travel patterns. Councilmember Quinn <br />stressed the importance of data. Chair Kruller asked if extra time could be added at specific times of <br />day, and staff replied that it probably could. Councilmember Duffie noted that crossing times vary <br />widely. There are also new technologies available, such as separate push buttons to request <br />extended time. Staff will follow up with the author of the letterto find out which specific intersection <br />she is concerned about. <br />
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