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3) Is the proposed change the best means for meeting the identified public need? What other options <br />are there for meeting the identified public need? <br />As part of the conditional certification process the City of Tukwila agreed to the following conditions: <br />1. Tukwila City Council adoption of a plan of work that addresses the condition identified in the certification <br />report by May 31, 2016. Adopted 5/2/2016 <br />2. Submission of a draft amended comprehensive plan and supporting documents that address the <br />condition to PSRC for review and comment in advance of adoption. Sent August 14, 2017, PSRC has <br />confirmed that these changes are adequate to meet the condition. <br />3. Once the condition is adequately addressed, submission of adopted amended comprehensive plan and <br />supporting documents by December 31, 2017 for review and certification by PSRC. <br />4) Will the proposed change result in a net benefit to the community? <br />Gaining full certification forTukwila's Comprehensive Plan will maintain our eligibility for PSRC and <br />Regional Transportation Improvement Program funding. <br />CONCLUSIONS <br />In reviewing Comprehensive Plan criteria, staff concludes that the proposed update is a technical correction to <br />the growth projections used in the Transportation Element needed to bring internal consistency to the <br />Comprehensive Plan and meet PSRC conditions for certification. The projected traffic levels are lower under the <br />revised employment levels and therefore no impacts are expected that were not already addressed under the <br />original Element. As a result of this change no goals, policies or capital improvement project changes are needed <br />or proposed as part of this action. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward the proposed edits and updates to the <br />Transportation Element shown in Attachment B to the City Council with a recommendation of adoption. <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />43 <br />