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2017-06-28 Public Safety Siting Advisory Committee
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8/25/2017 11:58:42 AM
Creation date
8/25/2017 11:55:41 AM
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Public Safety Siting Advisory Committee
Agenda or Minutes
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months of appointment and must complete the training within 90 days of <br />reappointment. <br />II. Conflict of Interest <br />Every Committee member must sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form within <br />90 days of appointment and must sign a new Disclosure Form within 90 days of <br />reappointment. <br />Article IV. Elections <br />The Committee shall elect a Chair and a Vice Chair each year. Generally, officers shall be elected <br />and take office annually at the first Committee meeting in the calendar year. The election will <br />take place as the first item of new business and the elected officers will assume their duties at <br />the close of elections. <br />The election of the Chair will be conducted by the Committee staff person who will ask for <br />nominations from Committee members. No one Committee member shall nominate more than <br />one person for an office. Nominations do not require a second. Staff will repeat each <br />nomination, ask for further nominations, and declarethe nominations closed. A motion to close <br />nominations is not necessary. Committee members will be asked to vote by a raise of hands. <br />As soon as one of the nominees receives a majority vote of the seated members staff will <br />declare that member elected as the Chair. No votes will be taken on any remaining nominees. A <br />tie vote will result in a failed nomination. If none of the nominees receive a majority vote staff <br />will call for nominations again and repeat the process until a single candidate receives a <br />majority vote. Upon election, the Chair will conduct the election for Vice -Chair following the <br />same process. <br />Should the Chair be vacated prior to the completion of the Term, the Vice -Chair will assume the <br />duties and responsibilities of the Chair for the remainder of the Term. The Chair will then <br />conduct elections for a new Vice -Chair. <br />Should the Vice -Chair be vacated; prior to the completion of the Term, the Chair will conduct <br />elections for a new Vice -Chair to serve out the remainder of the Term. <br />Time spent fulfilling a vacated Term shall not count towards the two consecutive Term limit for <br />Chair and Vice -Chair. <br />Article III. Meetings <br />All Committee meetings shall comply with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act <br />RCW 42.30. All meetings shall be noticed and open to the public. <br />A. Schedule and Frequency <br />The Committee shall determine its meeting schedule according to the flow of <br />information to evaluate. Meetings will be held at a time and place that work for all <br />members of the committee. This could change depending on where the City is in <br />the process of each facility. <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />K <br />
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