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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />Not included in the portfolio is interest earned from the operating and capital loans to the MPD. <br />The operating loan is being repaid on a monthly basis and will be paid in full by May 2023. Interest <br />earned on the operating loan through June 2017 is $7,085. The capital loan is being repaid semi- <br />annually and will be paid in full by December 2022. Interest accrued through June 2017 is $8,578. <br />Attached to the investment report are amortization schedules for both loans to the MPD. <br />Policy Compliance and Liquidity Analysis <br />As of the end of the 2nd quarter, the portfolio profile is well within the range of all the investment <br />policy parameters. There is currently a healthy mix of investments with a range of maturity dates. <br />Current investments allow for adequate cash flow requirements. <br />Fund Cash & Investment Balances Year over Year Comparison <br />Total fund cash and investments balances are $95.055 million, which is $42.123 million higher <br />than second quarter 2016. The significant increase is directly attributable to $36.5 million bond <br />fund received in December 2016 for the public safety plan. <br />The general fund total cash and investment balance is $10.780 million, which is $1.865 million <br />higher than June of 2016. Transfers of $2.2 million from the general fund into capital projects <br />funds for first and second quarters have not been recorded yet. Rather than transferring funds <br />automatically, we will be transferring funds into the capital projects funds as needed. <br />Special revenue funds all show a year -over -year increase. Over $460 thousand was transferred <br />to the contingency fund from the general fund per the City's minimum fund balance policy. <br />Additionally, the drug seizure fund received almost $539 thousand in seizure funds from the <br />federal government related to the motel seizure that occurred in 2013. The funds were received <br />in 2016 and have not been spent. <br />Debt service funds reflect a total net increase in cash and investments of $756 thousand. Excess <br />property tax revenue associated with the voter approved bonds are received each month and <br />placed in fund 213 until debt service is due. Debt service payments occur twice a year with <br />interest paid in June and interest plus principal paid in December. <br />In November, voters approved a $77 million bond measure to fund public safety facilities and <br />equipment. The first debt issue occurred in December, increasing fund balance in the capital <br />projects funds group by $36.5 million. Fund 306, city facilities, currently shows a negative balance <br />of $79 thousand. Allocation of the project manager fees, SOJ, for the upcoming Public Works <br />Shops facility have been incurred. A funding source for these costs will be identified and included <br />in the budget amendment process later in the year. <br />Utility funds all have increases in fund balances from the prior year. The golf course cash and <br />investment balance is $183 thousand lower than second quarter 2016. The golf course <br />experienced significant rain through the spring, which impacted revenue. <br />Investment Environment <br />The U.S. economy continues to expand with strong growth in employment. However, there is <br />uncertainty with China. Interest rates were hiked in March and again in June with one additional <br />rate hike planned for later in the year. However, economic disruptions caused by back-to-back <br />hurricanes may cause a delay in the next interest rate hike into 2018. <br />Locally, the economy in King County remains positive. Employment grew by 3.4% in the fourth <br />quarter of 2016 relative to 2015, with continued growth in information jobs. Unemployment rate <br />for King County declined again, down to 3.4% in December 2016. Home prices continue to rise, <br />with a 10.4% increase since fourth quarter 2015. <br />2 <br />