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ESJ 2017-10-05 Agenda Packet
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Boards and Commissions
Equity and Social Justice Commission (2017-Present)
Equity and Social Justice Commission Agendas (2017-Present)
ESJ 2017-10-05 Agenda Packet
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10/27/2017 1:03:01 PM
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9/28/2017 12:00:09 PM
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Equity and Social Justice Commission 2017-Present
Agenda or Minutes
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under the procedures set foth for the Equity and social Justice Commission. All <br />interested Equity and social Justice Commission members are eligible. <br />The Committee will meet at least two times per year. The Committee will provide <br />recommendations to the Commission for funding, and strategic advice for sister city and <br />civic awareness issues and activities. <br />F. Duties of Support Staff <br />A City staff person is assigned to support the Commission. The primary role of staff is to <br />represent the City and facilitate communication between the Commission, City <br />Administration, the City Council and other City departments. Staff responsibilities <br />include: <br />• Ensuring that meeting notifications and recordkeeping are consistent with <br />applicable state laws; <br />• Ensuring compliance with applicable laws, such as the Open Public Meetings Act <br />(OPMA) and the Public Records Act (PRA); <br />• Providing professional guidance, issue analysis and recommendations; <br />• Assisting with research, report preparation and correspondence; and <br />• Compiling agendas, maintaining minutes, forwarding recommendations and/or <br />implementing actions. <br />Article IV Elections <br />The Commission shall elect a Chair and a Vice Chair each year. Generally officers shall be <br />elected and take office annually at the first regular public meeting of the Commission in <br />January. The election will take place as the first item of new business and the elected officers <br />will assume their duties at the close of elections. <br />The election of the Chair will be conducted by the Administrative City support staff (Admin). No <br />one Commissioner shall nominate more than one person for an office. Nominations do not <br />require a second. The Admin will repeat each nomination, ask for further nominations, and <br />when there are none the Admin will declare the nominations closed. A motion to close <br />nominations is not necessary. <br />After nominations have been closed, voting for the Chair takes place in the order nominations <br />were made. Commissioners will be asked to vote by a raise of hands. As soon as one of the <br />nominees receives a majority vote of the seated members the Admin will declare that <br />Commissioner elected as the Chair. No votes will be taken on any remaining nominees. A tie <br />vote results in a failed nomination. If none of the nominees receive a majority vote the Admin <br />will call for nominations again and repeat the process until a single candidate receives a <br />majority vote. Upon election the Chair will conduct the election for Vice -Chair following the <br />same process. <br />Should the Chair be vacated prior to the completion of the Term, the Vice -Chair will assume the <br />duties and responsibilities of the Chair for the remainder of the Term. The Chair will then <br />conduct elections for a new Vice -Chair. <br />0 <br />
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