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FIN 2017-10-17 Item 2E - Update - Fire Department Budget
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2017-10-17 Finance
FIN 2017-10-17 Item 2E - Update - Fire Department Budget
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1/14/2021 12:13:05 PM
Creation date
10/13/2017 8:45:05 AM
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Finance 2017-2020
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Agenda Packet
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54 <br />INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />At the September 19, 2017 Finance Committee meeting, staff briefed the Committee that the Fire <br />Department is expected to be over budget due to the additional pipeline positions approved in <br />2016 and the lack of retirements that were anticipated to occur in 2017. Additionally, expenditures <br />associated with deployments are unpredictable and in September, fire personnel were deployed <br />to assist with recovery efforts associated with two hurricanes. <br />Staff committed to returning to the Finance Committee with greater detail on a budget amendment <br />for the Fire Department. Additionally, staff committed to providing information on other possible <br />budget amendments. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Projected Year -End — Fire Department <br />At this time, staff is estimating that the Fire Department will exceed their adopted budget by <br />approximately $400 thousand, of which $160 thousand is revenue backed. <br />To address the current over budget situation, staff will be recommending a budget amendment; <br />details on which is provided below. <br />In addition to the budget amendment, staff is taking additional steps to better manage the Fire <br />Department's budget. There has been, and will continue to be, ongoing discussions regarding <br />minimum staffing needs and better management of overtime to stay within budget. <br />After review of the impacts of the two additional pipeline positions on salaries, benefits, and <br />overtime, staff has determined that it would be appropriate to reduce the number of pipeline <br />positions to three. When the next two retirements occur, the pipeline positions will not be filled. <br />The budget amendment for 2018 will help cover costs associated with the pipeline positions until <br />they can be absorbed into the budget. <br />Proposed Budget Amendment — Fire Department <br />Staff is recommending a budget amendment of $400 thousand for the Fire Department consisting <br />of three elements. <br />1. Costs associated with the two additional pipeline positions authorized in June 2016. Costs <br />for each pipeline position is approximately $120 thousand including wages, benefits, <br />equipment, and training for a proposed amendment of $240 thousand. This element of <br />the amendment will be requested for both 2017 and 2018. <br />2. Expenditures associated with the deployments related to the hurricanes. Approximately <br />$125 thousand in costs were incurred to deploy fire personnel. These costs are revenue <br />backed so the budget amendment would include not only an adjustment to overtime and <br />related benefits but to revenue as well. Due to the lateness in the year that the <br />deployments occurred, the City will most likely not receive reimbursement until 2018. <br />3. Additional EMS levy funds to account for costs for providing emergency medical services. <br />The City has requested, and will receive, an additional $35 thousand in EMS levy funds <br />that is expected to be received this year. Both revenue and expenditure lines will be <br />adjusted $35 thousand. <br />Other Proposed Budget Amendments <br />Staff is reviewing budgets and identifying other possible budget amendment requests in addition <br />to the budget amendment for the Fire Department. Staff has currently identified the following <br />possible amendment requests, most of which are housekeeping in nature rather than required: <br />Z:\Council Agenda Items\Finance\10.17.17\Info Memo - Fire Budget 10.17.17.docx <br />
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