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2017-11-21 Finance
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1/14/2021 12:13:04 PM
Creation date
11/16/2017 3:17:15 PM
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Finance 2017-2020
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Agenda Packet
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cost of reviewing independent fee calculations. <br />9. "Low-income housing" means housing where monthly costs, including <br />utilities other than telephone, do not exceed are no greater than 30% of the resident's <br />household monthly income and where household monthly income must be is 80% or less <br />of the King County Median family income adjusted for family size as reported by the U.S. <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development. <br />10. "Owner" means the owner of record of real property, as found in the records <br />of King County, Washington, or a person with an unrestricted written option to purchase <br />property; provided, that if the real property is being purchased under a recorded real <br />estate contract, the purchaser shall be considered the owner of the property. <br />11. "Parks facilities" means those capital facilities identified as park and <br />recreational facilities in the City's Capital Facilities Plan. <br />12. "Proportionate share" means that portion of the cost for parks facility <br />improvements that are reasonably related to the service demands and needs of <br />development. <br />Section 7. TMC Section 16.28.040 is hereby reenacted to read as follows: <br />16.28.040 Parks Impact Fee Assessment <br />A. The City shall collect parks impact fees from applicants seeking development <br />approvals from the City for any development activity in the City for which building permits <br />are required, effective January 1, 2009, consistent with the provisions of this ordinance. <br />B. Parks impact fees shall be assessed at the time of a technically -complete <br />building permit application that complies with the City's zoning ordinances and building <br />and development codes. Parks impact fees shall be collected from the fee payer at the <br />time the building permit is issued, unless a fee deferral agreement is executed pursuant <br />to TMC Section 16.26.095. <br />C. Except if otherwise exempt or deferred, the City shall not issue the required <br />building permit unless or until the parks impact fees are paid. <br />Section 8. TMC Section 16.28.050 is hereby reenacted to read as follows: <br />16.28.050 Use of Parks Impact Fees <br />A. Pursuant to this ordinance, parks impact fees shall be used for parks facilities <br />that will reasonably benefit growth and development, and only for park facilities addressed <br />by the City's Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />B. Fees shall not be used to make up deficiencies in City facilities serving an <br />existing development. <br />C. Fees shall not be used for maintenance and operations, including personnel. <br />D. Parks impact fees shall be used for but not limited to land acquisition, site <br />improvements, engineering and architectural services, permitting, financing, <br />administrative expenses and applicable mitigation costs, and capital equipment <br />W: Word Processing\Ordinances\Parks Impact Fees -TMC 16.28 re-enacted strike-thru 11-6-17 <br />PM:bjs <br />22 <br />Page 4 of 12 <br />
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