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2. Alteration, expansion, or remodeling of an existing dwelling or structure <br />where no new units are created and the use is not changed. <br />3. Construction of an accessory residential structure. <br />4. Miscellaneous improvements including, but not limited to, fences, walls, <br />swimming pools, and signs that do not create an increase in demand for parks services. <br />5. Demolition of or moving an existing structure within the City from one site to <br />another. <br />6. Parks impact fees for the construction of low-income housing may be <br />reduced at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Director when requested by the <br />property owner in writing prior to permit submittal and subject to the following criteria: <br />a. The property owner must Ssubmittal of -a fiscal impact analysis of how a <br />reduction in impact fees for the project would contribute to the creation of low-income <br />housing; and <br />ob. The developer property owner must record a covenant per RCW <br />82.02.060(3) that prohibits using the property for any purpose other than for low-income <br />housing at the original income limits for a period of at least 10 years. At a minimum, the <br />covenant must address price restrictions and household income limits for the low-income <br />housing, and that if the property is converted to a use other than low income housing <br />within 10 years, the property owner must pay the City the applicable impact fees in effect <br />at the time of conversion. <br />c. Should the property owner satisfy the criteria in TMC Section <br />16.28.120.B.6., a and b, and the Director determines a fee reduction is in the best interest <br />of the City, the fees will be reduced, based on the following table: <br />b. Fec reduction table. <br />Unit Size <br />Affordability Target 1 <br />Fee Reduction <br />2 or more bedrooms <br />80% 2 <br />40% <br />2 or more bedrooms <br />60% 2 <br />60% <br />Any size <br />50% 2 <br />80% <br />1 — Units to be sold or rented to a person or household whose monthly <br />housing costs, including utilities other than telephone, do not exceed <br />30% of the household's monthly income. <br />2 — Percentage of King County Median family income adjusted for family <br />size as reported by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development. <br />7. Change of Use. A development permit for a change of use that has less <br />impact than the existing use shall not be assessed a parks impact fee. <br />W: Word Processing\Ordinances\Parks Impact Fees -TMC 16.28 re-enacted strike-thru 11-6-17 <br />PM:bjs <br />26 <br />Page 8 of 12 <br />