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finds that growth and development should pay its proportionate share of the costs of the <br />facilities needed to serve the growth and development in the City. Therefore, pursuant to <br />RCW 36.70A and RCW 82.02.050 through 82.02.100, which authorize the City to impose <br />and collect impact fees to fund public facilities that serve growth, the City Council adopts <br />this ordinance to impose parks impact fees for parks services. It is the Council's intent <br />that the provisions of this ordinance be liberally construed in establishing the parks impact <br />fee program. <br />Section 6. TMC Section 16.28.030 is hereby reenacted to read as follows: <br />16.28.030 Definitions <br />Terms or words not defined herein shall be defined pursuant to RCW 82.02.090 when <br />given their usual and customary meaning. For the purposes of this ordinance, unless the <br />context or subject matter clearly requires otherwise, the words or phrases defined in this <br />section shall have the following meanings: <br />1. "Accessory residential structure" means a structure that is incidental and <br />subordinate to the principal residence on the property and is physically detached to the <br />principal residence, but does not include accessory dwelling units. For example, a <br />detached garage or storage shed for garden tools are considered accessory residential <br />structures. <br />2. "Building permit" means an official document or certification of the City of <br />Tukwila issued by the City's building official which authorizes the construction, alteration, <br />enlargement, conversion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehabilitation, erection, placement, <br />demolition, moving, or repair of a building or structure. <br />3. "City" means the City of Tukwila, Washington, County of King. <br />4. "Development activity" means any construction, reconstruction, or <br />expansion of a building, structure, or use, or any changes in use of a building or structure, <br />or any changes in the use of land, requiring development approval. <br />5. "Development approval" means any written authorization from the City, <br />which authorizes the commencement of the "development activity." <br />6. "Encumber" means to reserve, set aside, or earmark the parks impact fees <br />in order to pay for commitments, contractual obligations, or other liabilities incurred for <br />the provision of parks services. <br />7. "Fee payer" is a person, corporation, partnership, an incorporated <br />association or governmental agency, municipality, or similar entity commencing a land <br />development activity that requires a building permit and creates a demand for additional <br />parks capital facilities. <br />8. "Impact fee" means the payment of money imposed by the City on <br />development activity pursuant to this ordinance as a condition of granting development <br />approval in order to pay for the parks facilities needed to serve growth and development <br />that is a proportionate share of the cost of parks capital facilities used for facilities that <br />reasonably benefit development. Impact fees do not include reasonable permit fees, <br />application fees, administrative fees for collecting and handling parks impact fees, or the <br />W: Word Processing\Ordinances\Parks Impact Fees -TMC 16.28 re-enacted strike-thru 11-6-17 <br />PM:bjs <br />Page 3 of 12 <br />21 <br />