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Attachment B (Page 1 of 2) <br />Non -Represented Employee Benefits - 2018 <br />Social Security (FICA): Social Security benefits shall be provided as contained in Section 2.52.010 <br />of the Tukwila Municipal Code (TMC). <br />State -Wide Employee Retirement System (PERS): Retirement shall be provided as contained in <br />Section 2.52.020 of the TMC. <br />Holidays: Holidays shall be provided as contained in Section 2.52.030 of the TMC. An additional <br />floating holiday has been granted to each non -represented employee, for a total of 2 floating <br />holidays. Regular part-time employees shall be entitled to benefits on a pro -rata basis. <br />Sick Leave: Sick leave shall be provided as contained in Section 2.52.040 of the TMC. Regular <br />part-time employees shall be entitled to benefits on a pro -rata basis. <br />Medical Insurance: The City shall pay 100% of the 2018 premium for regular full-time employees <br />and their dependents under the City of Tukwila self-insured medical plan. In the event the <br />monthly premium increase is above 8% per year, the City's joint/labor management committee, <br />which includes a non -represented employee, shall meet and discuss changes in the self -Insured <br />medical, dental, vision and prescription plan benefit levels in an effort to create plan savings so <br />the premium costs do not exceed the 8%. Regular part-time employees shall be entitled to benefits <br />on a pro -rata basis. Employees who choose coverage under the Kaiser Permanente plan shall pay <br />the difference between the City of Tukwila plan full -family rate and the rate charged to them by <br />Kaiser Permanente. <br />Dental Insurance: The City shall provide 100% of the 2018 premium for the regular full-time <br />employees and all dependents under the City of Tukwila self-insured dental plan for dental <br />coverage. Regular part-time employees shall be entitled to the same benefits on a pro -rata basis. <br />Life Insurance: For regular full-time employees, the City shall pay the premium for Plan C <br />(Multiple of annual earnings) or similar group life and accidental death and dismemberment <br />insurance policy. Said plan shall be at 100% of annual earnings rounded up to the next $1,000. <br />Regular part-time employees that work at least 20 hours per week shall be entitled to benefits on <br />a pro -rata basis (per insurance program requirements). <br />Vision/Optical: Benefits are provided to all non -represented regular full-time employees and <br />their dependents at the rate of $250 per person, to a maximum of $500 per family unit each year. <br />Regular part-time employees and their dependents shall be entitled to benefits on a pro -rata basis. <br />Disability Insurance: The City shall provide 100% of the premium for regular full-time <br />employees for a comprehensive long-term disability policy. Regular part-time employees that <br />work at least 20 hours per week shall be entitled to benefits on a pro -rata basis (per insurance <br />program requirements). <br />Health Reimbursement Arrangement/Voluntary Employee Benefit Association (HRA/VEBA): <br />VEBA benefits shall be provided as contained in Resolution No. 1445 and as amended. <br />113 <br />