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b. Equity Policy Update <br />Mia presented the group with the feedback she received from staff regarding <br />the Equity Policy. As a result, the group made two changes to the policy: <br />• Adding "Gender Identity" to the bulleted list of groups identified in <br />section I, Background and Overview. <br />• Adding "contractors" to the list of audiences for which the City will <br />develop a toolkit, Section IV. Policy Goals, Goal 5, Equity serves as a <br />core value for all long-term plans moving forward. <br />Nora Gierloff made a motion to approve the two changes to the policy, <br />Aaron Dragonov seconded the motion, the motion passed. <br />Mia will present the policy as amended to the Finance Committee on 11/21, <br />Committee of the Whole on 11/27, and at the Regular Council Meeting on <br />12/4. <br />VI. New Business <br />a. Award Opportunities <br />The group discussed potential award opportunities, including the All- <br />American City Award. These are aspirational and may help guide future work. <br />b. Miscellaneous <br />• The group talked about having a joint meeting with the Community <br />Connectors. <br />• The group discussed having a retreat in January to do some strategic <br />planning for the year. Possible locations included the library, the <br />Duwamish Tribal Center, and the Sullivan Center. <br />VII. Reports of Commissioners and Staff/Announcements <br />This is Joan Hernandez's last meeting, and she talked about the work she did to create <br />the Commission, and accomplishments of the Commission. She is very proud to have <br />been part of the origination, and part of the Commission since its inception. <br />VIII. Agenda for Next Meeting <br />• End of Year Celebration at a restaurant <br />• Arts Plan <br />• Retreat Ideas <br />IX. Adjournment <br />The meeting adjourned by consensus at 6:26 pm <br />3 <br />