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4.13.3 Continue to protect trees in sensitive areas and the shoreline through relevant regulations. <br />4.13.4 Ensure that required replacement trees at maturity will have equivalent or larger canopies <br />than the removed tree(s), except where existing or future infrastructure and/or public or <br />private utilities impede the planting of large trees. <br />4.13.5 Develop mechanisms for protecting tree roots for public and private surface and <br />underground infrastructure installation, including — in some cases — requiring the <br />presence of a certified arborist when working in the critical root zone; replacement of <br />trees where damage is unavoidable; and either requiring replanting or payment into a tree <br />replacement fund as compensation, if planting on-site is not feasible. Establish reasonable <br />procedures to ensure consideration of tree root protection during routine or emergency <br />maintenance of existing utilities, and provide training to City and other public utility <br />maintenance staff on root protection techniques. <br />4.13.6 Establish criteria for requiring professional assessment and corrective actions by property <br />owners who damage code -required landscaping, street trees, or other required trees by <br />topping, poor pruning practices or root disturbance. <br />4.13.7 Where trees are regulated and required replacement trees cannot be accommodated on <br />a site, establish procedures for off-site planting of replacement trees or payment into a <br />dedicated tree replacement fund. <br />4.13.8 Develop tree planting and urban forest rehabilitation programs for City parks and other <br />publicly -owned lands. Collaborate with other agencies, such as Washington's Department <br />of Transportation, to promote planting in highway interchanges and other locations. <br />4.13.9 Collaborate with other government, non-profit organization, school and private sector <br />entities, to promote urban forest management and restoration. <br />4.13.10 Provide flexibility in the landscape code to promote increased tree planting and/or <br />planting of large canopy trees, and reward the preservation of existing healthy trees to <br />assist in meeting the City's canopy goals. <br />4.13.11 Evaluate current parking lot landscape requirements to identify opportunities to increase <br />tree canopy. <br />TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - 2015 PAGE 4-24 <br />33 <br />