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Members of the Planning Commission <br />Staff Report L17-0077, Revisions to TMC 18.06 Definitions, <br />and TMC 18.54, Tree Regulations <br />December 28, 2017 <br />TMC 18.54.150. Permit Conformance: The text in this subsection is currently found in TMC <br />18.54.160 A. The remaining items found in TMC 18.54.160, such as tree protection and maintenance <br />responsibility have been relocated to other subsections of the draft code. <br />TMC 18.54.160. Soil Preparation, Plant Material and Maintenance: This is a new subsection, <br />intended to provide guidance for applicants who must plant replacement trees on how to prepare the site, <br />the selection of plant material and guidance on tree maintenance and pruning The standards in this <br />subsection are drawn from the recently adopted Landscaping Regulations. <br />TMC 18.54.170. Heritage Trees and Heritage Groves: This is a new subsection, which would permit <br />the designation of a tree or groves of trees that have exceptional national, state or local historical <br />significance to the City. If a nominated tree is on private property, the property owner must consent to <br />the nomination and designation. The subsection also provides guidance on pruning of Heritage Trees. <br />TMC 18.54.180. Approved and Prohibited Trees: This is a new subsection establishing authority for <br />the City develop a list of trees that may be planted and a list of trees that are prohibited from planting for <br />required replacement trees. <br />TMC 18.54.190. Violations: This is a new subsection establishing regulations in the event of <br />violations of the Tree Code. The regulations in this subsection have been adapted from those found in <br />the Landscaping Chapter, TMC 18.52.110. <br />TMC 18.54.200. Remedial Measures: Portions of this subsection have been moved from the existing <br />TMC 18.54.180 Enforcement (items C -F); items A. and B. are new. Among the requirements, the <br />subsection directs that tree canopy lost due to tree removal shall be replaced — either on site or by <br />payment into the Tree Replacement Fund. <br />TMC 18.54.210. Enforcement: The text in this subsection is currently found in TMC 18.54.180 with <br />minor revisions to recognize the change in the name of the tree permit. <br />REQUESTED ACTION <br />Hold the public hearing on the proposed changes, deliberate and make a recommendation to the City <br />Council on revisions to TMC 18.06 and TMC 18.54. <br />CL Page 6 of 6 1/2/2018 5:49 PM <br />W:A\Long Range Projects\2016 Landscaping and Tree Code Update\Draft Tree Regs\Planning Commission\Staff Rpt. Tree Code <br />50 <br />