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2017 - 2018 Biennial Budget City of Tukwila, Washington <br />amounts would be a violation of law. The legal level of budgetary control is at the fund level. <br />LEVEL OF BUDGETARY CONTROL. One of the three possible levels of budgetary control and authority <br />to which organizations, programs, activities and functions may be subject. These levels of budgetary <br />control are (a) appropriated budget, (b) legally authorized non -appropriated budget process or (c) non - <br />budgeted financial activities, which are not subject to the appropriated budget and the appropriation <br />process or to any legally authorized non -appropriated budget review and approval process, but still are <br />relevant for sound financial management and oversight. <br />LEVY. (1) (Verb) To impose taxes, special assessments or service charges for the support of <br />government activities. (2) (Noun) The total amount of taxes, special assessments or service charges <br />imposed by a government. <br />MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS. The basis of accounting associated with the governmental fund -type <br />measurement focus. Under it, revenues and other financial resources are recognized when they become <br />susceptible to accrual, that is when they become both "measurable" and "available" to finance <br />expenditures of the current period. Expenditures are recognized when the fund liability is incurred except <br />for inventories of materials and supplies that may be considered expenditures either when purchased or <br />when used. All governmental funds, expendable trust funds and agency funds are accounted for using <br />the modified accrual basis of accounting. <br />OBJECT DESCRIPTION. The classification of expenditures on the basis of categories called line -items <br />or objects -of -expenditure (e.g., 10 -Salaries & Wages, 20 -Personnel Benefits, 40 -Other Services & <br />Charges, 60 -Capital Outlay, etc.) and within each category more detailed line -items (e.g., salaries, travel, <br />telephone expense, etc.). <br />OPERATING BUDGET. Plans of current expenditures and the proposed means of financing them. The <br />annual operating budget is the primary means by which most of the financing, acquisition, spending and <br />service delivery activities of a government are controlled. The use of annual operating budgets is usually <br />required by law. Even when not required by law, however, annual operating budgets are essential to <br />sound financial management and should be adopted by every government. <br />OPERATING TRANSFERS. All interfund transfers other than residual equity transfers (e.g., legally <br />authorized transfers from a fund receiving revenue to the fund through which the resources are to be <br />expended). <br />PROGRAM BUDGET. A budget wherein expenditures are based primarily on programs of work and <br />secondarily on character and object class. <br />PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES. Sometimes referred to as income determination or commercial -type <br />funds, the classification used to account for a government's ongoing organizations and activities that are <br />similar to those often found in the private sector. The GAAP used are generally those applicable to similar <br />businesses in the private sector and the measurement focus is on determination of net income, financial <br />position and changes in financial position. <br />REVENUES. (1) Increases in the net current assets of a governmental fund type from other than <br />expenditure refunds and residual equity transfers. Also, general long-term debt proceeds and operating <br />transfers in are classified as "other financing sources" rather than as revenues. (2) Increases in the net <br />total assets of a proprietary fund type from other than expense refunds, capital contributions and residual <br />406 <br />14 <br />