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ATTACHMENT E <br />Petersons 76 Variance Narrative <br />CRITERIA FOR ZONING CODE VARIANCE (TMC 18.72.020) <br />(1)The variance shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses <br />of other properties in the vicinity and in the zone in which the property on behalf of which the application <br />was filed is located; <br />The variance we are requesting is to identify Interurban Avenue as the frontage. The full development is <br />made up of three parcels, 2 parcels are leased by Mr. Peterson and include the existing truck fueling lot <br />and the proposed Retail Fuel and Store lot, the third lot is owned by Seattle City light and a portion has <br />been leased to Mr. Peterson. The full development has two frontages including Interurban Avenue and <br />48th Avenue. <br />The development would not receive any special privilege as we will meet all the code requirements <br />associated with lot frontage, secondary frontage, side yard and rear yard. Interurban is a minor arterial <br />and it is reasonable to treat this as the lot frontage as the higher classification street, additionally the <br />Tukwila Zoning Code defines the lot frontage on a corner lot as the narrowest frontage abutting a street. <br />The Interurban frontage is considerable narrower than the 48th Avenue frontage. 48th Avenue is a dead <br />end street that does not benefit from the level of buffering and that is needed on Interurban Avenue. <br />This has not resulted in any inconsistencies with limitation for other properties. <br />2. The variance is necessary because of special circumstances relating to the size, shape, topography, <br />location or surrounding of the subject property in order to provide it with use rights and privileges <br />permitted to other properties in the vicinity and in the zone in which the subject property is located; <br />Due to the very long, narrow and triangular shape of the property it would be difficult to develop the <br />property if 48th Avenue was to be considered the main frontage. The original intent of the three lot <br />development was to place the front yard on Interurban. If the 25 foot setback was fronted on 48th <br />Avenue it would result in much higher lot percentage of unbuildable area than would a more typical <br />square or rectangular lot. That is not the intent of the code as described in Definitions 18.06.525 Lot <br />Frontage, where the narrowest frontage is the designated front yard. The 25 foot setback along with the <br />5 foot setback along 1-5 would leave a very thin strip of property that would be difficult to develop for <br />our allowed use. Currently the depth of the lot is 136 feet along the storefront fagade. If this is reduced <br />by a 25 foot setback along 48th Avenue and a 5 foot setback along 1-5 the usable depth is only 106 feet, <br />thus preventing us from using the property in the manner of adjacent properties or other like -zoned <br />properties. Originally when the Truck Fueling parcel was developed just NE of the subject property it <br />was planned to be a phased project. The design intent was that the convenience store would be <br />centralized and the retail fuel would be on the Interurban (SW) side of the lot. Mr. Peterson has held a <br />lease agreement with Seattle City Light for many years that includes the monument sign. That was <br />recently updated to include additional property that allows for a 15' landscape buffer in addition to <br />providing more than 25' of setback as well as shared access, landscaping and a portion of the drive <br />through lane for the coffee kiosk. <br />3. The granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to <br />the property or improvements in the vicinity and in the zone in which the subject property is situated; <br />57 <br />