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e. To assure proper posting of payments, Permittee shall note on its checks "City Light <br />Permit P.M. #230415-1-417, and include the payment stub from the invoice. <br />f. Permittee hereby agrees that, in case of an increase in rent or other fees, all other <br />provisions of this Permit shall remain in full force, changed only by such alterations in <br />amount of rent or other fees and not otherwise. Permittee further agrees to pay the <br />correct amount of total rent due irrespective of any billing statement Permittee <br />may receive from the City, and without prompting from the City. <br />4. Taxes and Other Fees. <br />Permittee shall pay all license, excise and occupation taxes in <br />connection with Permittee's business conducted on the Premises, and all taxes on the Permittee's <br />interest created by this Temporary Permit. <br />5. Buildings or Structures. No building or permanent structure shall be constructed, placed, <br />or allowed to remain upon the Premises. No ponds, ditches or open water retention facilities of <br />any kind shall be constructed, created, or allowed to remain on the Premises. <br />6. Cuts or Fills. Permittee agrees to submit plans furnishing details of any new blacktopping, <br />grading, cuts, or fills for approval by the CEO and General Manager of City Light, or his <br />representative, prior to the undertaking of any such blacktopping, grading, cut or fill operation on <br />the Premises. Other than those included in already approved plans. The City reserves the right to <br />prohibit grading or filling on the Premises. <br />7. Damage to Permittee's Property. Permittee agrees that the City shall not be liable for any <br />damage to Permittee's personal property by reason of any construction, alterations, maintenance <br />or improvements made or performed within the Premises by the City, its agents or <br />representatives. <br />8. Other Uses. Permittee agrees not to use the Premises for any other purpose whatsoever <br />than as set forth above and agrees that the CEO and General Manager of Seattle City Light shall <br />be the sole judge of any conflict or violation of such use as above stated. <br />9. Permit for Use of Premises Only. This Permit is for use of the Premises only and shall not <br />be construed to replace or be used in lieu of any permits or licenses which may be required, <br />granted, or supervised by any other subdivision of government charged with licensing, policing, <br />or supervising the operations of the Permittee. <br />10. Zoning. Permittee agrees that use of the Premises must be consistent with applicable <br />zoning laws and regulations; where the proposed use is not consistent with said laws and <br />regulations, said use is made conditional upon the Permittee obtaining conditional zoning or a <br />zoning variance if necessary. <br />11. Pro u erty Condition. Permittee agrees to maintain the Premises occupied or used in an <br />orderly, fit and sanitary condition. At the termination of this Permit, Permittee shall restore the <br />Premises to as good a condition or better than that which existed prior to issuance of this Permit. <br />12. City's Access. The Permittee shall not at any time interfere with the City's access to, over, <br />or through the Premises. <br />13. Non -Exclusivity. Where this permit is issued for access, it shall not be deemed or held to be <br />an exclusive permit, or prohibit City Light from granting other permits of like or other nature, or <br />interfere with the City's use of the Premises, or affect the City's jurisdiction over all or any part <br />thereof. <br />14. Access Road Maintenance. To avoid damage to Permittee's access road, if any, the City <br />recommends that the Permittee maintain all access roads to American Association of State <br />Highway and Transportation Officials H-93 loading standards (heavy loading). <br />15. Vehicles. Equipment, Signs. The Permittee agrees to not to allow vehicles or other <br />equipment within five (5) feet of any pole or within ten (10) feet of any tower within the <br />60 <br />