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Page 2 <br />Public Hearing Minutes <br />October 26, 2017 <br /> <br />Lauri Garris, <br />rental property owner,expressed concern regarding impact fees, and height <br /> <br />restrictions; she suggested the height be raised to at least 30 sq. ft.She also suggested making the <br />process easy for the citizens. <br /> <br />Sandra Gadd <br />, citizen, was in favor of decreasing the lot size to allow more ADUs in Tukwila and <br />allow people to stay in their homes. She requested consideration be given to reversing the roles, <br />such as owners use their small bungalows as the ADU and build a larger structure for their <br />primary residence. She also expressed concern with her rental property that has two kitchens, and <br />how the ADU changes would affect her ability to rent the house, without it being owner occupied. <br /> <br />Nadine Morgan <br />, rental property owner, expressed concern with affordable housing, and said the <br />ADU rules would be very useful. However, said the Airbnb rules have impacted the area. And <br />you can get much more money renting on a daily basis than monthly, which should be taken into <br />consideration. If Airbnbs are allowed, she requested they consider having a month or longer <br />rental restriction; and a hotel/motel tax; and limit neighborhoods they can be located. <br /> <br />Robert Anderson <br />, property owner, requested that the City act in the interest of people that are long <br />term residents. He was in support of the alternative suggestion of reversing the use. He said he wanted <br />to emphasize the 6500 sq. ft. lot developments are causing parking impacts. <br /> <br />Berry Becker <br />, builder, is supportive of the idea, and likes trying to make affordable housing, and <br />allowing people to get extra income. He said the 20-ft. height limit is tight and that the same standards <br />are needed as any addition on a house. He said, keep it as simple as possible by staying close to the <br />existing code. And there should not be any additional hook-up fees. <br /> <br />Todd Smith <br />, citizen, expressed concern with sewer and water. He was supportive of attached ADUs but <br />said if ADUs need a side sewer it’s going to be real expensive for a small building. He said the fire code <br />may be a real stickler, and another meter may be needed for which there isn’t capacity. Also, if the height <br />for ADUs are reduced, then the single-family height should be reduced. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />III.DELIBERATION / MOTIONS: <br /> <br />Recommendation #1: Begin allowing detached ADUs <br /> <br />Commissioner Alford <br />moved to approve the recommendation with the following two amendments, as <br />proposed by Commissioner Mann. <br /> <br /> <br />1)If the unit is over a garage allow a building height limit up to 25-sq. ft. <br /> <br />2)Increase the maximum square footage to 1000 square feet. <br />Commissioner Hansen seconded the motion. The motion passed. <br />Commissioner Strander opposed. <br /> <br />-Commissioner Strander said she did not have enough information on the impacts that detached <br />ADUs would have on the City and the neighborhoods. She was not in support of Recommendation <br />#1 because she does not have enough information. She also said she would like to see an Airbnb <br />policy. <br /> <br /> <br />