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FIN 2018-05-22 Item 2A - Update - Compensation Policy and Proposed Timeline for Discussion
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2018-05-22 Finance
FIN 2018-05-22 Item 2A - Update - Compensation Policy and Proposed Timeline for Discussion
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1/14/2021 12:12:59 PM
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5/17/2018 4:32:39 PM
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Finance 2017-2020
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2 <br />INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />As it relates to the classification of new positions and the reclassification of existing positions, it provides <br />the external market criteria based upon assessed valuation +/- 50% that we have been able to benchmark <br />our positions to fairly consistently; provides consideration for internal comparability; identifies the data <br />collection resources to use when conducting external market analysis; sets parameters for when a market <br />study will be conducted and when a cost of living adjustment will be considered. <br />The challenges we have experienced have generally been when we have positions that we are not able to <br />find benchmark comparators for based upon the duties of the position (standard for a valid match is 5 <br />positions). In addition, recently when the market for a certain position was highly competitive, we were <br />not able to attract qualified applicants. <br />During these times we look for creative, innovative and strategic ways to attract qualified applicants such <br />as offering hiring bonuses. This has also been an effective recruitment strategy with our Civil Service <br />positions. <br />Given that some areas of Resolution No. 1796 are silent, addressing those silent areas would provide <br />more clarity and an objective methodology to use for anomalies that may occur. Administration proposes <br />consideration of the following for discussion with the Council. This list is not all inclusive as there could <br />be other items the Council wants to consider. <br />1. Above and Below Market ad',u <br />.. - specifically define what compensation standard would be used <br />stm,erts <br />to set parameters for adjustment of wages when positions are above or below market. <br />2. Compression — establish a definition within the resolution that defines what it means, and what <br />methodology will be used to address compression when it occurs. <br />3. Comparability — review the current methodology specifically as it applies to the external market for <br />non -represented positions. <br />4. Recruitment — review what barriers exist when it is a highly competitive external market, and ways to <br />attract and retain future employees. <br />Follow Up from the March 20, Finance Committee Meeting <br />At the March 20, Finance Committee meeting. Committee members r <br />equeSted the following components <br />be included in the analysis and review <br />• A.n......... dated ma-ket study.; <br />up... .... <br />• Input and reconneu ationsfrom om the non -represented employee groups; <br />mmm <br />• <br />Background and evaluation of decision band methodology: <br />• Ana;lys„„s,,,,,,,,on,,,,gen„der neutrality, desk audits. and appeal process, performance reviews and <br />Merit pay; <br />• Understandingofeompresson....and when it has been an issue. <br />In addition the Council committee re.uested that Administration •rovide a revised timeline for review <br />and adoption of changes to Resolution No. 1796 by the full City Council: The schedule below meets the <br /> requests for a <br />c r compensation workshop for the Council and for a deadline of September. <br />C lUserslchrlatylAppt a9 lLocaiNicrosofilMindowuslViletCachelContent.Outlook29E7D8KUTinanceCommitteecompreviewmemo 3-14-18 -Update 5-16-18 <br />(David Cline).docx <br />
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