City of Tukwila
<br />Allan Ekberg, Mayor
<br />Public Works Department — Henry Hash, Director
<br />TO: Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
<br />FROM: Harry Hash, Public Works Director /
<br />BY: Cyndy Knighton, Senior Program Manager
<br />CC: Mayor Ekberg
<br />DATE: June 22, 2018
<br />SUBJECT: West Valley Hwy (1-405 to Strander Blvd)
<br />Project No. 99310410
<br />CMAQ Grant Award and Acceptance
<br />ISSUE
<br />Formal City acceptance of a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant in the amount of $627,903 which has been awarded to the West
<br />Valley Hwy (1-405 to Strander Blvd) Project.
<br />In December 2016, Tukwila and King County Parks and Recreation Division entered into an Interagency Agreement for the Development of Mobility
<br />Connections Facilities on Baker Blvd and Christensen Rd. This Agreement provided Tukwila with $1,000,000 of King County Trail Levy funds to
<br />construct the Baker Blvd Non -Motorized Improvements Project. Also in the KC Agreement was reference to the larger Tukwila Mobility Connections
<br />concept plan completed by King County in 2016 and a statement that both parties were working cooperatively to implement the larger Mobility Project.
<br />Tukwila committed up to $70,000 of funding toward the Tukwila Mobility Connection Project using the then -budgeted funds in the 2015-2017 CIP for
<br />the TUC/TOD Pedestrian Improvement Project (No. 90710405). King County, with Tukwila as a partner, was awarded a federal CMAQ grant for design
<br />and construction of the shared use path on the west side of West Valley Hwy from the Pedestrian Bridge to Longacres Way. Design -only work on
<br />Longacres Way from West Valley Hwy to the end of the City's right-of-way is also included. After the award was made, King County and Tukwila
<br />agreed to make Tukwila the lead agency on the awarded grant and the State Transportation Improvement Plan was amended to reflect that change
<br />on May 2, 2018. The final CMAQ award to Tukwila is $627,903.
<br />According to City CIP policy, staff must get approval from the full Council before accepting grants.
<br />The CMAQ grant will design and construct a wide shared -use path on West Valley Hwy from the Longacres Way intersection south to the recently
<br />widened sidewalks next to the TUC Pedestrian Bridge and design non -motorized facilities on Longacres Way. For most efficient use of public funding,
<br />staff has combined the CMAQ work with the larger West Valley Hwy (I-405-Strander Blvd) project which was recently awarded a $2.4m TIB grant.
<br />Funds for the CMAQ grant match requirement can come from the TIB grant, and some of the TIB grant match requirements were met with the CMAQ
<br />grant. This common practice helps minimize the City's general fund obligations. The attached WSDOT forms, Local Agency Federal Aid Project
<br />Prospectus and Local Agency Agreement, must be signed by the Mayor to obligate the CMAQ funds.
<br />Not all of the City matching funds are currently shown in the CIP as available, but instead require amending the CIP to allocate $200,000 shown in the
<br />"Beyond" years into 2018/2019. This was discussed by the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in January as part of the TIB grant acceptance.
<br />The City's $97,996 match requirement for the shared use pathways is through a combination of TIB grant and general revenue. Impact fees cannot be
<br />used as match for the shared use pathways but can be used for the larger project.
<br />Funding Source
<br />Design
<br />Construction
<br />Total
<br />Awarded CMAQ Grant
<br />$ 186,840.00
<br />$ 441,063.00
<br />$ 627,903.00
<br />TIB Grant,
<br />280,820.00
<br />2,153,560.00
<br />2,434,380.00
<br />Traffic Impact Fees
<br />37,500.00
<br />212,500.00
<br />250,000.00
<br />Existing CIP 104 Fund
<br />10,000.00
<br />321,000.00
<br />331,000.00
<br />Requested General Fund
<br />0.00
<br />200,000.00
<br />200,000.00
<br />Total
<br />$ 515,160.00
<br />$ 3,328,123.00
<br />$ 3,843,283.00
<br />Council is being asked to formally accept the federal CMAQ grant for the West Valley Hwy (1-405 to Strander Blvd) Project and consider this item on
<br />the Consent Agenda at the July 2, 2018 Regular Meeting.
<br />Attachments: Notification of Award letter dated May 16, 2018
<br />Local Agency Agreement and Project Prospectus
<br />Draft CIP Sheet
<br />W:1PW Eng1PROJECTS1A- RW & RS ProjectslWest Valley Highway (99310410)1Design\INFORMATION MEMO - CMAQ Grant Acceptance 6-25-18.docx
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